How To Say 'How Are You?' In Italian
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The most common way to say "How are you?" in Italian is "Come stai?" (informal) or "Come sta?" (formal). Here's everything you need to know about using these phrases naturally:
Informal "How are you?" - For friends, family, and casual settings:
- Come stai? (koh-meh st-eye?) - Basic "How are you?"
- Come va? (koh-meh vah?) - "How's it going?"
- Come te la passi? (koh-meh teh lah pass-ee?) - "How are you doing?"
Formal "How are you?" - For strangers, elderly people, or professional settings:
- Come sta? (koh-meh stah?) - "How are you?"
- Come sta Lei? (koh-meh stah lay?) - "How are you?" (extra polite)
Common responses you might hear:
- Sto bene, grazie (stoh beh-neh, grah-tsee-eh) - "I'm well, thank you"
- Tutto bene (too-toh beh-neh) - "All good"
- Non c'è male (nohn cheh mah-leh) - "Not bad"
- Così così (koh-zee koh-zee) - "So-so"
Important cultural notes:
- Italians often ask "Come stai?" multiple times during a conversation, not just at the beginning
- It's polite to ask "E tu?" (And you?) after responding
- The formal "Lei" is capitalized in writing to distinguish it from "lei" (she)
- Young Italians increasingly use the informal "tu" form, but it's better to start formal with strangers
Common mistakes to avoid:
- Don't use "Come è?" - while literally "How is it?", this isn't used for asking about well-being
- Avoid mixing formal and informal forms in the same conversation
- Remember that "stai" is for informal situations, while "sta" is for formal ones
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