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This ordered dictionary of the most common 5,000 Spanish words was created because I needed a word list of the most frequent used words & verbs in Spanish, to help me learn Spanish in the shortest amount of time possible.
Using a memory palace with loci for each of the starting two letters of each Spanish word, as described here is a great way of doing this. By only studying the words you will actually use, it is possible to gain a good grasp of a language in a short amount of time.
This word lists includes the most frequently used words, most frequently used nouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions and numbers.
A 5,000 word English to Spanish list is also available in English alphabetical order.
Spanish | PoS | English |
a | prep | to, at |
abajo | adv | down, below, downward |
abandonado | adj | abandoned |
abandonar | v | to abandon, leave (a place) |
abandono | nm | abandonment, desertion |
abarcar | v | to encompass, comprise |
abierto | adj | open, unlocked |
abismo | nm | abyss, large gap |
abogado | nm/f | lawyer |
abordar | v | to board, get in/on |
aborto | nm | abortion |
abrazar | v | to hug, embrace |
abrazo | nm | hug, embrace |
abrigo | nm | overcoat, shelter |
abril | nm | April |
abrir | v | to open |
absolutamente | adv | absolutely, completely |
absoluto | adj | absolute |
absorber | v | to absorb, soak up |
abstracto | adj | abstract |
absurdo | adj | absurd |
abuela | nf | grandmother |
abuelo | nm | grandfather |
abundancia | nf | abundance |
abundante | adj | abundant, plentiful |
abundar | v | to be plentiful |
aburrido | adj | boring, bored |
aburrir | v | to bore, tire |
abusar | v | to abuse |
abuso | nm | abuse, misuse |
acá | adv | here, around here |
acabar | v | a. de V: to have just Ved, finish |
academia | nf | academy |
académico | adj | academic |
acariciar | v | to stroke, fondle, caress |
acaso | adv | by chance, maybe |
acceder | v | to consent, agree, accede |
accesible | adj | accessible |
acceso | nm | access, entry |
accidente | nm | accident, irregularity |
acción | nf | action, act, deed |
aceite | nm | oil |
acelerar | v | to accelerate, speed (up) |
acento | nm | accent, stress |
acentuar | v | to accent, stress |
aceptable | adj | acceptable, suitable |
aceptación | nf | acceptance, approval |
aceptar | v | to accept |
acera | nf | sidewalk |
acerca | prep | about, concerning |
acercar | v | to come near |
acero | nm | steel |
acertar | v | to get right |
ácido | nm | acid |
aclarar | v | to clarify, clear up |
acoger | v | to welcome, accept |
acomodar | v | to be/make comfortable |
acompañar | v | to accompany |
aconsejar | v | to advise, counsel |
acontecer | v | to happen, come about |
acontecimiento | nm | event, happening |
acordar | v | to remember, remind |
acorde | nm | agreement, accord |
acostar | v | to put/go to bed |
acostumbrar | v | to be accustomed to |
acta | nf | (el) (meeting) proceedings, minutes |
actitud | nf | attitude |
activar | v | to activate, stimulate |
actividad | nf | activity, action |
activo | adj | active |
acto | nm | act, action |
actor | nm | actor |
actriz | nf | actress |
actuación | nf | performance, acting |
actual | adj | current |
actualidad | nf | present (time) |
actualización | nf | update, modernization |
actualizar | v | to update |
actualmente | adv | now, at present |
actuar | v | to act |
acudir | v | to attend, go to, frequent |
acuerdo | nm | accord, de a.: in agreement |
acumulación | nf | accumulation |
acumular | v | to accumulate, amass |
acusación | nf | accusation, charge |
acusado | nm/f | defendant, accused |
acusar | v | to accuse |
adaptación | nf | adaptation |
adaptar | v | to adapt |
adecuado | adj | adequate, suitable |
adelantar | v | to move forward |
adelante | adv | forward, further |
ademán | nm | gesture, expression |
además | adv | also, as well, besides |
adentro | adv | inside |
adherir | v | to adhere, attach |
adicional | adj | additional |
adiós | interj | goodbye |
adivinar | v | to guess, solve |
administración | nf | administration |
administrador | nm/f | administrator, manager |
administrar | v | to administer, manage |
administrativo | adj | administrative |
admirable | adj | admirable |
admiración | nf | admiration |
admirar | v | to admire |
admitir | v | to admit |
adolescencia | nf | adolescence |
adolescente | nc | adolescent |
adónde | adv | to where? |
adopción | nf | adoption |
adoptar | v | to adopt |
adorar | v | to worship, adore |
adornar | v | to adorn, to decorate |
adorno | nm | decoration, adornment |
adquirir | v | to acquire, get |
adquisición | nf | acquisition |
adulto | nm | adult, grown-up |
adversario | nm | adversary |
advertencia | nf | warning, notice |
advertir | v | to notice, warn |
aéreo | adj | aerial, air |
aeropuerto | nm | airport |
afán | nm | eagerness, zeal, effort |
afectar | v | to affect |
afecto | nm | affection, fondness |
aferrar | v | to grasp, clutch |
afición | nf | fondness, interest |
aficionado | nm | fan, devotee |
afilar | v | to sharpen |
afirmación | nf | statement, assertion |
afirmar | v | to assert, affirm |
aflojar | v | to loosen |
afortunadamente | adv | luckily, fortunately |
africano | adj | African |
afrontar | v | to face, confront |
afuera | adv | outside |
agachar | v | to duck, bend down |
agarrar | v | to grasp, catch |
agencia | nf | agency, branch |
agenda | nf | diary, agenda, schedule |
agente | nc | agent |
agitar | v | to shake, move |
agosto | nm | August |
agotar | v | to exhaust, wear out, run out |
agradable | adj | nice, pleasant |
agradar | v | to please |
agradecer | v | to thank for |
agradecido | adj | grateful, thankful |
agrario | adj | agrarian, agricultural |
agravar | v | to aggravate |
agregar | v | to add, gather |
agresión | nf | aggression, attack |
agresivo | adj | aggressive |
agrícola | adj | agricultural, farming |
agricultor | nm/f | farmer |
agricultura | nf | agriculture, farming |
agrupación | nf | group, association |
agrupar | v | to (put in) group |
agua | nf | (el) water |
aguantar | v | to endure, put up with |
aguardar | v | to wait for, await |
agudo | adj | sharp, acute |
aguja | nf | needle, spire, stylus |
agujero | nm | hole, opening |
ahí | adv | there |
ahogar | v | to drown, choke, flood |
ahora | adv | now |
ahorita | adv | right now, in a minute |
ahorrar | v | to save (money, time) |
ahorro | nm | saving, thrift |
aire | nm | air, wind, appearance |
aislado | adj | isolated |
aislamiento | nm | isolation |
aislar | v | to isolate, insulate |
ajedrez | nm | chess |
ajeno | adj | not belonging to, detached |
ajustar | v | to adjust, tighten |
ajuste | nm | adustment, settlement |
ala | nf | (el) wing, flank |
alambre | nm | wire |
alarma | nf | alarm |
alarmar | v | to alarm |
alba | nf | (el) dawn, daybreak |
albergar | v | to lodge, harbor |
alcalde | nm | mayor |
alcance | nm | reach, scope |
alcanzar | v | to reach, catch up with |
alcohol | nm | alcohol |
aldea | nf | small village |
alegar | v | to plead, argue |
alegrar | v | to be/make happy |
alegre | adj | happy, lively, cheerful |
alegría | nf | joy, happiness |
alejar | v | to move away |
alemán | adj | German |
alentar | v | to encourage |
alerta | nf | alert |
alertar | v | to alert, warn |
alfombra | nf | rug, carpet, mat |
algo | pron | something, somewhat |
algodón | nm | cotton |
alguien | pron | somebody, someone, anyone |
alguno | adj | some, a few |
aliado | nm | ally |
alianza | nf | alliance |
aliento | nm | breath, courage, spirit |
alimentación | nf | feeding, food |
alimentar | v | to feed, support |
alimentario | adj | food |
alimento | nm | food, nourishment |
aliviar | v | to lighten, relieve, comfort |
alivio | nm | relief, unburdening |
allá | adv | there, over there |
allí | adv | there, over there |
alma | nf | (el) soul |
almacén | nm | warehouse, store |
almacenar | v | to store, keep |
almohada | nf | pillow |
almorzar | v | to have lunch |
almuerzo | nm | lunch |
alojar | v | to host, accommodate |
alquilar | v | to rent, hire |
alquiler | nm | rent, rental |
alrededor | nm | surrounding area, vicinity |
alrededor | adv | about, around, round |
altamente | adv | highly |
altar | nm | altar |
alteración | nf | alteration, change |
alterar | v | to alter, modify |
alternar | v | to alternate |
alternativa | nf | alternative |
alternativo | adj | alternating, alternative |
alto | adj | tall, high |
altura | nf | height, altitude |
aludir | v | to allude to |
alumno | nm | student, pupil |
alusión | nf | allusion, hint |
alzar | v | to life, raise |
ama | nc | housekeeper, housewife |
amable | adj | kind, nice, friendly |
amanecer | nm | daybreak, dawn |
amanecer | v | to dawn, become light |
amante | nc | lover |
amar | v | to love |
amargo | adj | bitter, sour, painful |
amargura | nf | bitterness, sorrow |
amarillento | adj | yellowish |
amarillo | adj | yellow |
amarrar | v | to tie, fasten |
ambición | nf | ambition |
ambicioso | adj | ambitious, greedy |
ambiental | adj | environmental |
ambiente | nm | environment, atmosphere |
ámbito | nm | sphere, space |
ambos | adj | both |
amenaza | nf | threat |
amenazar | v | to threaten |
americano | adj | American |
amiga | nf | friend (f) |
amigo | nm | friend |
amistad | nf | friendship |
amo | nm | master, boss (m) |
amontonar | v | to gather, accumulate |
amor | nm | love |
amoroso | adj | loving, affectionate |
amparar | v | to protect, shelter |
amparo | nm | protection, shelter |
ampliación | nf | enlargement, extension |
ampliamente | adv | widely |
ampliar | v | to enlarge, increase, expand |
amplio | adj | wide, ample, broad |
añadir | v | to add |
análisis | nm | analysis |
analista | nc | analyst |
analizar | v | to analyze |
ancho | adj | wide |
ancho | nm | width |
anciano | nm/f | old person |
andaluz | adj | Andalusian |
andar | v | to walk, function |
andino | adj | Andean |
anécdota | nf | anecdote |
ángel | nm | angel |
ángulo | nm | angle |
angustia | nf | anguish, distress |
anhelo | nm | longing, yearning |
anillo | nm | (finger) ring |
animado | adj | excited, lively |
animal | nm | animal |
animar | v | to cheer up |
ánimo | nm | zest, spirit, heart |
aniversario | nm | anniversary |
año | nm | year |
anoche | adv | last night |
anónimo | adj | anonymous |
anotar | v | to annotate, jot, note |
ansia | nf | (el) anxiety, anguish |
ansiedad | nf | anxiety |
ansioso | adj | anxious, eager |
ante | prep | before, in the presence of |
antecedente | nm | antecedent |
antemano | adv | beforehand, in advance |
antena | nf | antenna |
anteojo | nm | telescope, eyeglasses |
antepasado | nm | ancestor |
anterior | adj | previous, preceding |
anteriormente | adv | previously |
antes | adv | before |
anticipar | v | to anticipate, advance |
antigüedad | nf | antiquity, seniority |
antiguo | adj | old, ancient, former |
anual | adj | annual, yearly |
anular | v | to annul, cancel |
anunciar | v | to announce, advertise |
anuncio | nm | advertisement, announcement |
apagado | adj | turned off |
apagar | v | to turn off, extinguish |
aparato | nm | apparatus, device |
aparecer | v | to appear |
aparente | adj | apparent |
aparentemente | adv | apparently |
aparición | nf | appearance, apparition |
apariencia | nf | appearance, aspect |
apartamento | nm | apartment |
apartar | v | to move away, separate |
aparte | adv | apart, aside, separately |
apasionar | v | to inspire, be passionate about |
apelar | v | to call upon, appeal to |
apellido | nm | last name |
apenas | adv | hardly, barely |
apertura | nf | opening, beginning |
apetito | nm | appetite |
aplastar | v | to flatten, crush, smash |
aplaudir | v | to clap, applaud |
aplauso | nm | applause, praise, acclaim |
aplicación | nf | application |
aplicado | adj | applied |
aplicar | v | to apply |
apoderar | v | to take power |
aportación | nf | contribution, support |
aportar | v | to provide, contribute |
aporte | nm | contribution |
apostar | v | to wager, bet |
apóstol | nm | apostle |
apoyar | v | to support, lean on |
apoyo | nm | support, backing |
apreciar | v | to appreciate |
aprender | v | to learn |
aprendizaje | nm | learning, apprenticeship |
apresurar | v | to hurry up, speed up |
apretado | adj | tight, jammed |
apretar | v | to squeeze, tighten, compress |
aprobación | nf | approval, consent |
aprobar | v | to pass (test), approve |
apropiado | adj | appropriate |
aprovechar | v | to take advantage of |
aproximadamente | adv | approximately |
aproximar | v | to come near, closer |
apto | adj | appropriate, fit, able |
apuesta | nf | wager, bet |
apuntar | v | to point, note, aim |
apunte | nm | note, annotation |
apurar | v | to speed up, hurry up |
apuro | nm | trouble, predicament |
aquel | adj | that (over there) |
aquél | pron | that one over there (m) |
aquello | pron | that over there (n) |
aquí | adv | here |
árabe | adj | Arab |
araña | nf | spider |
árbitro | nm/f | umpire, referee |
árbol | nm | tree |
archivo | nm | archive, file, filing cabinet |
arco | nm | arch, arc, bow |
arder | v | to burn, glow |
ardiente | adj | passionate, ardent |
área | nf | (el) area, zone |
arena | nf | sand |
argentino | adj | Argentine |
argumentar | v | to argue, deduce |
argumento | nm | argument, plot |
arma | nf | (el) weapon |
armado | adj | armed |
armar | v | to arm, put together |
armario | nm | closet, cupboard |
armonía | nf | harmony |
aroma | nm | aroma |
arqueológico | adj | archaeological, archeological |
arquitecto | nm/f | architect |
arquitectónico | adj | architectural |
arquitectura | nf | architecture |
arrancar | v | to start (machine), uproot |
arrastrar | v | to drag, pull |
arrebatar | v | to snatch, grab |
arreglar | v | to fix, arrange |
arreglo | nm | arrangement |
arrepentir | v | to repent, regret |
arriba | adv | up, above |
arriesgar | v | to risk, venture |
arrodillar | v | to kneel |
arrojar | v | to throw, fling |
arroyo | nm | brook, stream, gutter |
arroz | nm | rice |
arruga | nf | wrinkle |
arrugado | adj | wrinkled, creased |
arrugar | v | to wrinkle, crumple |
arruinar | v | to ruin, destroy |
arte | nm | art, skill |
artesano | nm/f | artisan, craftsman |
articulación | nf | articulation, joint |
articular | v | to articulate |
artículo | nm | article, product, item |
artificial | adj | artificial |
artista | nc | artist, performer |
artístico | adj | artistic |
asaltar | v | to assault |
asalto | nm | assault, robbery |
asamblea | nf | assembly |
ascender | v | to ascend, be promoted |
ascenso | nm | promotion, climb |
ascensor | nm | elevator |
asco | nm | disgust |
asegurar | v | to assure, secure, insure |
asentamiento | nf | settlement, colony |
asentar | v | to settle, establish, locate |
asentir | v | to assent, agree |
asesinar | v | to murder, assassinate |
asesinato | nm | murder, assassination |
asesino | nm | killer, assassin |
asesor | nm/f | adviser, consultant |
así | adv | like that |
asiático | adj | Asian, Asiatic, |
asiento | nm | seat, chair |
asignar | v | to assign, allocate |
asignatura | nf | subject, course |
asimilar | v | to assimilate |
asimismo | adv | as well, also, moreover |
asistencia | nf | attendance, assistance |
asistente | nc | assistant |
asistir | v | to attend |
asociación | nf | association |
asociado | adj | associated |
asociar | v | to associate with |
asomar | v | to appear, show, stick (out) |
asombrar | v | to amaze, astound |
asombro | nm | amazement, astonishment |
asombroso | adj | amazing |
aspecto | nm | aspect, appearance |
áspero | adj | rough, coarse, harsh |
aspiración | nf | ambition, aspiration |
aspirante | nc | candidate, applicant |
aspirar | v | to aspire, want |
asumir | v | to assume, take on |
asunto | nm | matter, issue, affair |
asustado | adj | scared, frightened |
asustar | v | to frighten, scare |
atacar | v | to attack |
ataque | nm | attack, raid |
atar | v | to tie (up) |
atardecer | nm | evening, dusk |
ataúd | nm | coffin, casket |
atención | nf | attention |
atender | v | to serve, attend to |
atentado | nm | (terrorist) attack, offence |
atentar | v | to attack, attempt, threaten |
atento | adj | attentive, polite |
atleta | nc | athlete |
atmósfera | nf | atmosphere, environment |
atómico | adj | atomic, nuclear |
átomo | nm | atom |
atormentar | v | to torture, torment |
atracción | nf | attraction |
atractivo | adj | attractive |
atraer | v | to attract |
atrapar | v | to trap, catch |
atrás | adv | back, behind, ago |
atravesar | v | to cross |
atrever | v | to dare |
atribuir | v | to attribute |
atributo | nm | attribute, quality |
audiencia | nf | audience, hearing |
auditorio | nm | hearing, auditorium |
auge | nm | peak, boom |
aula | nf | (el) classroom |
aumentar | v | to increase |
aumento | nm | increase, rise |
aun | adv | even (though), still |
aún | adv | still, yet |
aunque conj although, even though | ||
ausencia | nf | absence |
auténtico | adj | authentic |
auto | nm | auto, car |
autobús | nm | bus |
automáticamente | adv | automatically |
automático | adj | automatic |
automóvil | nm | automobile |
autonomía | nf | autonomy, range |
autónomo | adj | autonomous |
autor | nm/f | writer, author |
autoridad | nf | authority |
autorización | nf | authorization |
autorizado | adj | authorized |
autorizar | v | to authorize, legalize |
auxiliar | nm/f | aide, auxiliary |
auxilio | nm | help, aid, assistance |
avance | nm | advance, progress |
avanzado | adj | advanced |
avanzar | v | to advance, progress |
ave | nm | bird |
avenida | nf | avenue |
aventura | nf | adventure |
avergonzar | v | to embarrass, shame |
averiguar | v | to investigate, find out |
avión | nm | plane, airplane, aircraft |
avisar | v | to inform, announce |
aviso | nm | warning |
ay | interj | oh no!, oh my! |
ayer | adv | yesterday |
ayuda | nf | help, aid |
ayudante | nc | helper, assistant |
ayudar | v | to help |
ayuntamiento | nm | city council, town hall |
azar | nm | random, chance, hazard |
azúcar | nm | sugar |
azul | adj | blue |
bachillerato | nm | academic degree |
bacteria | nf | germ, bacteria |
bahía | nf | bay |
bailar | v | to dance |
bailarín | nm/f | dancer |
baile | nm | dance, ball |
bajar | v | to come down, let down |
bajo | prep | under, underneath |
bajo | adj | short, low |
bala | nf | bullet, shot |
balance | nm | outcome, balance |
balcón | nm | balcony |
ballet | nm | ballet |
balón | nm | ball |
bañar | v | to bathe, take a bath |
banca | nf | bank, banking |
bancario | adj | bank, banking |
banco | nm | (financial) bank, bench |
banda | nf | (musical) band, sash |
bandeja | nf | tray |
bandera | nf | flag |
bando | nm | faction, side |
baño | nm | bathroom, bath, swim |
bar | nm | (snack) bar, café |
barato | adj | inexpensive |
barba | nf | beard |
barbaridad | nf | atrocity |
bárbaro | adj | savage, horrible |
barco | nm | boat, ship |
barra | nf | bar, rod, rail |
barrer | v | sweep, clean out |
barrera | nf | barrier, obstacle |
barrio | nm | neighborhood, district |
barro | nm | clay, mud |
barroco | adj | baroque, elaborate |
basar | v | to base on, base upon |
base | nf | base, basis |
básicamente | adv | basically |
básico | adj | basic, essential |
bastante | adj | rather, fairly, quite a bit (ADV) |
bastar | v | to be sufficient |
basura | nf | garbage, rubbish |
batalla | nf | battle |
batería | nf | battery, gun deck |
batir | v | to beat (object) |
bautizar | v | to baptize, christen |
bebé | nc | baby |
beber | v | to drink |
bebida | nf | drink, beverage |
beca | nf | scholarship, grant |
belleza | nf | beauty |
bello | adj | beautiful, fine |
bendecir | v | to bless, thank |
bendición | nf | blessing, benediction |
beneficiar | v | to benefit |
beneficio | nm | benefit, profit |
besar | v | to kiss |
beso | nm | kiss |
bestia | nf | beast, brute |
biblia | nf | Bible |
bíblico | adj | biblical |
biblioteca | nf | library |
bicho | nm | bug, creature |
bicicleta | nf | bicycle |
bien | adv | well |
bien | nm | goods, property, benefit |
bienes | nm | goods, property |
bienestar | nm | well-being, welfare |
bienvenida | nf | welcome, greeting |
bienvenido | adj | welcome |
bigote | nm | mustache |
billete | nm | ticket, bill, note |
biografía | nf | biography |
biología | nf | biology |
biológico | adj | biological |
blanco | adj | white |
blando | adj | soft, limp, gentle |
blog | nm | blog |
bloque | nm | block |
bloquear | v | to block, obstruct |
bloqueo | nm | blockade, block |
boca | nf | mouth, entrance, opening |
boda | nf | marriage, wedding |
bodega | nf | cellar, pantry, warehouse |
bola | nf | ball, sphere |
boliviano | adj | Bolivian |
bolsa | nf | bag, purse, stock exchange |
bolsillo | nm | |
bolso | nm | bag, purse |
bomba | nf | bomb, explosion, pump |
bombero | nm/f | firefighter |
bondad | nf | goodness, kindness |
bonito | adj | pretty, nice |
bono | nm | bond, certificate, voucher |
bordar | v | to embroider |
borde | nm | edge |
borracho | adj | drunk |
borrar | v | to erase |
bosque | nm | forest |
bota | nf | boot, wineskin |
bote | nm | boat, container |
botella | nf | bottle, flask |
botón | nm | button |
bóveda | nf | vault, dome |
brasileño | adj | Brazilian |
bravo | adj | fierce, angry |
brazo | nm | arm |
breve | adj | brief, short |
brillante | adj | brilliant, shiny, sparkling |
brillar | v | to shine, twinkle, be outstanding |
brillo | nm | shine, twinkling, sparkle |
brindar | v | to offer |
brisa | nf | breeze, air |
británico | adj | British |
broma | nf | joke |
bronce | nm | bronze |
brotar | v | to sprout |
bruja | nf | witch, hag |
brusco | adj | brusque, abrupt, sudden |
brutal | adj | brutal, savage |
bruto | adj | brutal, coarse, clumsy |
bueno | adv | well . . . |
bueno | adj | good |
buey | nm | ox |
bulto | nm | bulk, shape |
buque | nm | ship, vessel, hull |
burbuja | nf | bubble |
burla | nf | mockery, joke, trick |
burlar | v | to mock |
burro | nm | donkey |
busca | nf | search, hunt |
buscar | v | to look for |
búsqueda | nf | search |
caballero | nm | gentleman, knight |
caballo | nm | horse |
cabecera | nf | head, header |
cabellera | nf | hair |
cabello | nm | hair |
caber | v | to fit (into) |
cabeza | nf | head (part of body) |
cable | nm | cable, wiring |
cabo | nm | end, bit, llevar a c.: to carry out |
cada | adj | each, every |
cadáver | nm | corpse, body |
cadena | nf | chain |
cadera | nf | hip |
caer | v | to fall |
café | nm | coffee, cafe |
cagar | v | to dirty, crap |
caída | nf | fall, drop, falling |
caja | nf | bank, box, safe |
cajón | nm | drawer |
calcular | v | to calculate, figure out |
cálculo | nm | calculation, calculus |
calendario | nm | calendar |
calentar | v | to warm, heat |
calidad | nf | quality |
cálido | adj | warm |
caliente | adj | hot, warm, spirited |
calificación | nf | evaluation, qualification |
calificar | v | to grade, rate, qualify |
callado | adj | quiet, reserved |
callar | v | to be/make quiet |
calle | nf | street |
calma | nf | calm, lull |
calmar | v | to calm, soothe, relieve |
calor | nm | heat, warmth |
calzar | v | to wear (shoes) |
cama | nf | bed (furniture) |
cámara | nf | camera, chamber |
cambiar | v | to change |
cambio | nm | change, en c: instead |
caminar | v | to walk |
camino | nm | road, route, path |
camión | nm | truck, van, tanker |
camioneta | nf | van, bus |
camisa | nf | shirt |
camiseta | nf | T-shirt |
campamento | nm | camp, camping |
campana | nf | bell |
campaña | nf | campaign |
campeón | nm/f | champion |
campeonato | nm | championship |
campesino | nm/f | peasant, farmer |
campo | nm | field, country |
caña | nf | cane, reed |
canadiense | adj | Canadian |
canal | nm | channel, canal |
cancelar | v | to cancel |
cáncer | nm | cancer |
cancha | nf | playing field, court |
canciller | nm/f | chancellor, ambassador |
canción | nf | song |
candidato | nm | candidate |
candidatura | nf | candidacy |
cañón | nm | canyon, cannon |
cansado | adj | tired, tiresome |
cansancio | nm | tiredness, weariness |
cansar | v | to tire, annoy |
cantante | nc | singer |
cantar | v | to sing |
cantidad | nf | quantity, amount |
canto | nm | singing, chant |
caos | nm | chaos |
capa | nf | layer, coat |
capacidad | nf | capacity |
capacitación | nf | training |
capacitar | v | to qualify, prepare |
capaz | adj | capable, able |
capilla | nf | chapel |
capital | nmf | capital, city (f), money (m) |
capitalismo | nm | capitalism |
capitalista | adj | capitalist |
capitán | nm | captain, chief |
capítulo | nm | chapter |
capricho | nm | caprice, whim |
captar | v | to capture, attract |
captura | nf | capture, snapshot, screenshot |
capturar | v | to capture |
cara | nf | face, expression |
caracol | nf | snail, shell |
carácter | nm | personality, nature |
característica | nf | characteristic, aspect |
característico | adj | characteristic |
caracterizar | v | to characterize, portray |
carbón | nm | coal, charcoal |
carbono | nm | carbon, coal |
carcajada | nf | hearty laughter, guffaw |
cárcel | nf | jail, prison |
cardenal | nm | cardinal |
carecer | v | to be without |
carencia | nf | lack, shortage |
carga | nf | load, charge, cargo |
cargar | v | to load (up), carry |
cargo | nm | position, charge, fee |
caricia | nf | caress, stroke |
caridad | nf | charity |
cariño | nm | love, affection |
cariñoso | adj | affectionate |
carnaval | nm | carnival |
carne | nf | meat, flesh |
caro | adj | expensive, difficult, dear |
carpeta | nf | folder, file |
carrera | nf | career, course, race |
carreta | nf | cart, wagon |
carretera | nf | highway, road |
carro | nm | car, cart |
carta | nf | letter, (playing) card |
cartel | nm | poster |
cartera | nf | wallet, satchel |
cartón | nm | cardboard, carton, sketch |
casa | nf | house |
casado | adj | married |
casar | v | to marry |
casco | nm | helmet |
casero | adj | homemade |
casi | adv | almost, nearly |
casita | nf | cottage |
caso | nm | case, occasion |
castellano | adj | Castilian, Spanish |
castigar | v | to punish |
castigo | nm | punishment, penalty |
castillo | nm | castle |
casualidad | nf | chance, coincidence |
catalán | adj | Catalan |
catálogo | nm | catalog |
catástrofe | nf | catastrophe |
cátedra | nf | academic chair |
catedral | nf | cathedral |
categoría | nf | category |
católico | adj | Catholic |
catorce | num | fourteen |
cauce | nm | (river) bed, ditch |
causa | nf | cause |
causar | v | to cause, bring about |
caza | nf | hunting (game) |
cazador | nm/f | hunter |
cazar | v | to hunt |
ceder | v | to give way, yield |
ceja | nf | eyebrow, brow |
celda | nf | cell |
celebración | nf | celebration |
celebrado | adj | celebrated, famous |
celebrar | v | to celebrate |
célebre | adj | famous, renowned |
celeste | adj | heavenly, sky-blue |
celo | nm | jealousy, zeal |
célula | nf | cell (biology) |
cementerio | nm | cemetery, graveyard |
cemento | nm | cement, concrete |
cena | nf | dinner |
cenar | v | to dine |
ceniza | nf | ash |
censura | nf | censorship, criticism |
centavo | nm | cent |
centenar | nm | hundred |
centímetro | nm | centimeter |
central | adj | central |
centrar | v | to center, focus, base (on) |
centro | nm | center, middle, downtown |
cerámica | nf | ceramics, pottery |
cerca | adv | close, near |
cercanía | nf | nearness, proximity |
cercano | adj | near |
cerdo | nm | pig, sow, slob |
cerebral | adj | cerebral |
cerebro | nm | brain |
ceremonia | nf | ceremony |
cero | num | zero, naught, nil |
cerrado | adj | closed |
cerrar | v | to close |
cerro | nm | hill |
certeza | nf | certainty |
certificado | nm | certificate |
cerveza | nf | beer, ale |
cesar | v | to cease, stop |
chaqueta | nf | jacket |
charco | nm | pool, puddle |
charla | nf | talk, chat |
charlar | v | to chat, talk |
cheque | nm | check |
chica | nf | girl, female |
chico | nm | boy |
chileno | adj | Chilean |
chimenea | nf | chimney, fireplace |
chino | adj | Chinese |
chiquillo | nm | kid, youngster |
chiquito | adj | tiny |
chispa | nf | spark |
chiste | nm | joke, funny story |
chocar | v | to crash into, collide with |
chocolate | nm | chocolate |
choque | nm | crash, collision |
chorro | nm | stream, jet, spurt |
chupar | v | to suck |
cicatriz | nf | scar |
ciclo | nm | cycle |
ciego | adj | blind |
cielo | nm | sky, heaven, ceiling |
ciencia | nf | science, knowledge |
científico | adj | scientific |
científico | nm/f | scientist |
ciento | num | hundred |
cierre | nm | zipper, closing |
ciertamente | adv | certainly, indeed |
cierto | adj | certain, sure, true |
cifra | nf | figure, number, amount |
cigarrillo | nm | cigarette |
cigarro | nm | cigarette, cigar |
cima | nf | summit, peak, top |
cinco | num | five |
cincuenta | num | fifty |
cine | nm | cinema, US movie theater |
cinematográfico | adj | cinematic |
cinta | nf | tape, ribbon, film, strip |
cintura | nf | waist |
cinturón | nm | belt |
circo | nm | circus |
circuito | nm | circuit, circumference, track |
circulación | nf | circulation, traffic |
circular | v | to circulate, go around, flow |
círculo | nm | circle, club |
circunstancia | nf | circumstance |
cirugía | nf | surgery |
cita | nf | appointment, date, quotation |
citar | v | to cite, quote |
ciudad | nf | city |
ciudadanía | nf | citizenship, citizens |
ciudadano | nm/f | citizen |
cívico | adj | civic, civil |
civil | adj | civil |
civilización | nf | civilization |
claramente | adv | clearly |
claridad | nf | clearness, clarity |
claro | adj | clear |
claro | adv | of course, clearly |
clase | nf | kind, class, order |
clásico | adj | classic |
clasificación | nf | classification |
clasificar | v | to classify, sort, file |
clavar | v | to nail |
clave | nf | key |
clavo | nm | nail, tack, peg |
clic | nm | click |
cliente | nc | client, customer |
clima | nm | climate |
climático | adj | climatic |
clínica | nf | clinic |
clínico | adj | clinical |
club | nm | club, society |
coalición | nf | coalition |
cobertura | nf | coverage |
cobrar | v | to charge (money) |
cobre | nm | copper |
coca | nf | cocaine, coke |
coche | nm | car, carriage |
cocina | nf | kitchen |
cocinar | v | to cook |
coco | nm | coconut |
código | nm | code |
codo | nm | elbow |
coger | v | to hold, take, catch |
coherente | adj | coherent, connected |
coincidencia | nf | coincidence |
coincidir | v | to coincide, agree |
cola | nf | line, queue, tail |
colaboración | nf | collaboration |
colaborador | nm/f | collaborator |
colaborar | v | to collaborate, work together |
colar | v | to slip in [se] |
colchón | nm | mattress |
colección | nf | collection |
colectivo | adj | collective, joint |
colectivo | nm | collective, group |
colega | nc | colleague |
colegio | nm | (high) school, college |
colgado | adj | hanging |
colgar | v | to hang (up) |
colina | nf | hill, slope |
collar | nm | collar, necklace |
colmo | nm | climax, para c.: to top it all |
colocar | v | to place, position |
colombiano | adj | Colombian |
colonia | nf | colony, cologne |
colonial | adj | colonial |
color | nm | color |
colorado | adj | red, colored |
columna | nf | column, spine |
comandante | nc | commander, commanding officer |
comando | nm | command, order |
combate | nm | combat, battle, fight |
combatir | v | to fight against |
combinación | nf | combination |
combinar | v | to combine |
combustible | nm | fuel |
comedia | nf | comedy, play, pretense |
comedor | nm | dining room |
comentar | v | to comment on |
comentario | nm | remark, comment |
comenzar | v | to begin, start |
comer | v | to eat |
comercial | adj | commercial, shopping |
comerciante | nc | merchant, businessperson |
comercio | nm | commerce, trade |
cometer | v | to commit |
cómico | adj | comic |
comida | nf | food, meal |
comienzo | nm | start, beginning |
comisaría | nf | police station |
comisario | nm | commissioner, delegate |
comisión | nf | commission, committee |
comité | nm | committee, commission |
como | conj | like, as |
cómo | adv | how? |
comodidad | nf | comfort, convenience |
cómodo | adj | comfortable, convenient |
compacto | adj | compact, dense |
compañero | nm/f | companion, classmate |
compañía | nf | company |
comparación | nf | comparison |
comparar | v | to compare |
compartir | v | to share |
compás | nm | rhythm, time, compass |
compasión | nf | compassion |
compatriota | nc | fellow countryman |
compensación | nf | compensation |
compensar | v | to compensate, make up for |
competencia | nf | competition, contest |
competente | adj | competent, able |
competición | nf | competition, contest |
competir | v | to compete |
competitivo | adj | competitive |
complacer | v | to please, satisfy |
complejidad | nf | complexity |
complejo | adj | complex, complicated |
complejo | nm | complex |
complementar | v | to complement, supplement |
complementario | adj | additional, complementary |
complemento | nm | complement, supplement |
completamente | adv | completely |
completar | v | to complete |
completo | adj | complete |
complicación | nf | complication |
complicado | adj | complicated, complex |
complicar | v | to complicate, make difficult |
cómplice | nc | accomplice |
complicidad | nf | involvement, complicity |
componente | nm | component, ingredient |
componer | v | to compose, be part of |
comportamiento | nm | behavior, conduct |
comportar | v | to behave |
composición | nf | composition, makeup, essay |
compositor | nm/f | composer |
compra | nf | shopping, buy, purchase |
comprador | nm | buyer |
comprar | v | to buy |
comprender | v | to understand |
comprensión | nf | understanding |
comprobar | v | to verify, prove |
comprometer | v | to compromise |
comprometido | adj | committed, engaged |
compromiso | nm | compromise, engagement |
compuesto | adj | composite, mixed |
computadora | nf | computer |
común | adj | common |
comunicación | nf | communication |
comunicado | nm | statement, announcement |
comunicar | v | to communicate |
comunidad | nf | community |
comunión | nf | communion |
comunismo | nm | communism |
comunista | adj | Communist |
comunitario | adj | of the community |
con | prep | with |
concebir | v | to conceive, understand |
conceder | v | to grant, concede |
concentración | nf | concentration, gathering |
concentrar | v | to concentrate |
concepción | nf | conception |
concepto | nm | concept |
concesión | nf | awarding, concession |
concha | nf | shell |
conciencia | nf | conscience, consciousness |
concierto | nm | concert, concerto |
concluir | v | to conclude, finish |
conclusión | nf | conclusion, end |
concretamente | adv | specifically, exactly |
concretar | v | to materialize, fulfill |
concreto | adj | concrete, real |
concurrir | v | to coincide, concur, meet |
concurso | nm | competition, gathering |
conde | nm | count |
condena | nf | sentence (in prison), penalty |
condenar | v | to convict, condemn |
condición | nf | condition |
condicionar | v | to condition, determine |
conducir | v | to lead, drive |
conducta | nf | conduct, behavior |
conductor | nm/f | driver, conductor |
conectar | v | to connect, plug in |
conejo | nm | rabbit |
conexión | nf | connection, relationship |
confederación | nf | confederation, alliance |
conferencia | nf | conference, lecture |
confesar | v | to confess, admit |
confesión | nf | confession, admission |
confianza | nf | confidence, trust |
confiar | v | to trust, confide |
configuración | nf | configuration, shape |
configurar | v | to make up, comprise |
confirmar | v | to confirm |
conflicto | nm | conflict |
conformar | v | to conform |
conforme | prep | in agreement with |
confundir | v | to confuse |
confusión | nf | confusion |
confuso | adj | confused, mixed up |
congelar | v | to freeze |
congregación | nf | congregation |
congreso | nm | congress |
conjunto | nm | group, set |
conllevar | v | to involve, bring |
conmigo | pron | with me |
conmover | v | to move, affect |
conocer | v | to know (someone or place) |
conocido | adj | known, well-known |
conocimiento | nm | knowledge |
conquista | nf | conquest |
conquistar | v | to conquer, win (over) |
consagrar | v | to consecrate, establish |
consciente | adj | conscious, aware |
consecuencia | nf | consequence |
consecutivo | adj | consecutive |
conseguir | v | to get, acquire, obtain |
consejero | nm/f | advisor, counselor |
consejo | nm | advice, council, counsel |
consenso | nm | consensus, consent |
consentir | v | to consent to, pamper |
conservación | nf | conservation |
conservador | adj | conservative |
conservar | v | to conserve, preserve |
considerable | adj | considerable |
consideración | nf | consideration, regard |
considerar | v | to consider |
consigna | nf | watchword, motto, slogan |
consiguiente | conj | por c.: consequently |
consistir | v | to consist of |
consola | nf | console |
consolar | v | to console |
consolidar | v | to consolidate |
constancia | nf | perseverance |
constante | adj | constant |
constantemente | adv | constantly |
constar | v | to consist of, comprise |
constatar | v | to prove, verify |
constitución | nf | constitution |
constitucional | adj | constitutional |
constituir | v | to constitute, consist of |
construcción | nf | construction |
constructor | nm/f | builder, construction |
construir | v | to construct, build |
consuelo | nm | comfort, consolation |
consulta | nf | consultation, advice |
consultar | v | to consult |
consumidor | nm | consumer |
consumir | v | to consume, take in |
consumo | nm | consumption |
contactar | v | to reach, contact |
contacto | nm | contact |
contagiar | v | to infect, infest |
contaminación | nf | contamination, pollution |
contaminar | v | to contaminate, pollute |
contar | v | to tell, count |
contemplar | v | to contemplate |
contemporáneo | adj | contemporary |
contener | v | to contain |
contenido | nm | contents, content |
contento | adj | happy, content |
contestar | v | to answer, reply |
contexto | nm | context |
contigo | pron | with you |
continental | adj | continental |
continente | nm | continent |
continuación | nf | continuation, follow-up |
continuamente | adv | continuously |
continuar | v | to continue |
continuidad | nf | continuity |
continuo | adj | continuous |
contorno | nm | outline, perimeter, edge |
contra | prep | against, opposite |
contradicción | nf | contradiction |
contradictorio | adj | contradictory |
contraer | v | to contract, shrink, abbreviate |
contrario | adj | contrary, opposite |
contrastar | v | to contrast |
contraste | nm | contrast |
contratación | nf | hiring, recruitment |
contratar | v | to hire, contract |
contrato | nm | contract, agreement |
contribución | nf | contribution |
contribuir | v | to contribute |
control | nm | control |
controlar | v | to control |
controversia | nf | controversy |
contundente | adj | decisive, blunt, forceful |
convencer | v | to convince, persuade |
convención | nf | convention, assembly |
convencional | adj | conventional |
conveniencia | nf | convenience, usefulness |
conveniente | adj | convenient |
convenio | nm | agreement |
convenir | v | to be agreeable, be convenient |
convento | nm | convent, monastery |
conversación | nf | conversation |
conversar | v | to converse, talk |
conversión | nf | conversion, change |
convertir | v | to convert, change, become |
convicción | nf | conviction |
convivencia | nf | coexistence, living together |
convivir | v | to coexist |
convocar | v | to convene, summon |
convocatoria | nf | call, summons |
cooperación | nf | cooperation |
cooperativa | nf | cooperative, co-op |
coordinación | nf | coordination |
coordinador | nm/f | coordinator, organizer |
coordinar | v | to coordinate |
copa | nf | cup, glass, top (tree) |
copia | nf | copy |
copiar | v | to copy |
coraje | nm | courage, toughness |
corazón | nm | heart, core |
corbata | nf | tie, sash |
cordillera | nf | mountain range |
cordón | nm | cord, yarn, braid |
coro | nm | choir, chorus |
corona | nf | crown |
coronar | v | to crown, top |
coronel | nm | colonel |
corporación | nf | corporation |
corporal | adj | of the body, corporal |
corral | nm | corral, yard |
corrección | nf | correction, amendment |
correctamente | adv | correctly |
correcto | adj | correct, suitable |
corredor | nm/f | broker, corridor, runner |
corregir | v | to correct, rectify |
correo | nm | mail, post (office) |
correr | v | to run |
correspondencia | nf | correspondence, connection |
corresponder | v | to correspond with |
correspondiente | adj | corresponding |
corriente | nf | current, flow |
corriente | adj | current, common |
corrupción | nf | corruption |
cortar | v | to cut |
corte nmf court (f), cut (m) | ||
corteza | nf | bark, crust, rind, peel |
cortina | nf | curtain, screen |
corto | adj | short, brief |
cosa | nf | thing |
cosecha | nf | harvest, crop |
coser | v | to sew |
cosita | nf | little thing |
costa | nf | coast |
costado | nm | side, flank |
costar | v | to cost, be hard |
costarricense | adj | Costa Rican |
coste | nm | cost, price |
costero | adj | coastal |
costo | nm | price, cost, expense |
costoso | adj | costly, expensive |
costumbre | nf | habit, custom, usage |
cotidiano | adj | daily |
cráneo | nm | skull, cranium |
creación | nf | creation |
creador | nm | creator |
crear | v | to create |
creatividad | nf | creativity |
creativo | adj | creative |
crecer | v | to grow, increase |
creciente | adj | growing, increasing |
crecimiento | nm | growth, increase |
credibilidad | nf | credibility |
crédito | nm | credit, reputation |
creencia | nf | belief |
creer | v | to believe, think |
crema | nf | cream |
creyente | nc | believer, follower |
cría | nf | breeding, raising |
criar | v | to bring up, rear |
criatura | nf | creature, child |
crimen | nm | crime, murder |
criminal | adj | criminal |
crisis | nf | crisis |
cristal | nm | glass, crystal, window |
cristianismo | nm | Christianity |
cristiano | adj | Christian |
criterio | nm | criterion |
crítica | nf | criticism, critique |
criticar | v | to criticize |
crítico | adj | critical |
crítico | nm | critic |
crónica | nf | account, chronicle |
crónico | adj | chronic |
cruce | nm | crossing, intersection |
crudo | adj | raw, crude, natural |
cruel | adj | cruel, harsh |
crujir | v | to crunch, creak |
cruz | nf | cross, burden |
cruzado | adj | crossbred, double-breasted, crossed |
cruzar | v | to cross |
cuaderno | nm | notebook, workbook |
cuadra | nf | (city) block |
cuadrado | adj | square |
cuadro | nm | painting, picture |
cual | pron | which, who, whom |
cuál | pron | which? |
cualidad | nf | quality, attribute |
cualquiera | adj | any, anyone |
cuando | adv | when |
cuándo | adv | when? |
cuanto | adj | en c. a: in terms of, regarding |
cuánto | adj | how much? |
cuarenta | num | forty |
cuartel | nm | quarters, barracks |
cuarto | nm | room, chamber |
cuarto | adj | fourth |
cuatro | num | four |
cubano | adj | Cuban |
cubierta | nf | covering, top, lid |
cubierto | adj | covered |
cubrir | v | to cover |
cuchillo | nm | knife |
cuello | nm | neck, collar |
cuenca | nf | socket, basin, bowl |
cuenta | nf | bill, account |
cuento | nm | story, tale |
cuerda | nf | cord, rope |
cuerno | nm | horn, antler |
cuero | nm | leather, skin |
cuerpo | nm | body |
cuestión | nf | question, matter |
cuestionar | v | to question |
cueva | nf | cave |
cuidado | nm | care, carefulness |
cuidadosamente | adv | carefully |
cuidar | v | to take care of |
culminar | v | to culminate, accomplish |
culo | nm | bottom, butt |
culpa | nf | blame, fault |
culpable | adj | guilty |
cultivar | v | to cultivate, produce |
cultivo | nm | cultivation, crop |
culto | nm | worship, cult |
culto | adj | cultured, educated |
cultura | nf | culture |
cultural | adj | cultural |
cumbre | nf | summit, top |
cumpleaños | nm | birthday |
cumplimiento | nm | fulfillment, compliment |
cumplir | v | to fulfill |
cuna | nf | cradle, birth, lineage |
cuñado | nm/f | brother-in-law |
cuota | nf | quota, share, dues |
cúpula | nf | cupola, dome |
cura | nmf | priest (m), cure (f) |
curar | v | to cure |
curiosamente | adv | strangely, funnily enough |
curiosidad | nf | curiosity, quaintness |
curioso | adj | curious, strange |
curso | nm | course, direction |
curva | nf | curve |
cuyo | pron | whose |
dado | conj | d. que: given that |
dama | nf | lady, dame |
dañar | v | to damage |
daño | nm | harm, injury, damage |
danza | nf | dance |
dar | v | to give |
datar | v | to date |
dato | nm | data, fact |
de | prep | of, from |
debajo | prep | underneath, below |
debate | nm | debate |
debatir | v | to debate, discuss |
deber | v | should, ought to, to owe |
deber | nm | duty, obligation |
debido | adj | d. a: due to |
débil | adj | weak |
debilidad | nf | weakness |
debilitar | v | to weaken, debilitate |
década | nf | decade |
decadencia | nf | decline, decay |
decena | nf | ten (of something) |
decente | adj | respectable, decent |
decidido | adj | determined, resolute |
decidir | v | to decide |
décimo | adj | tenth |
decir | v | to tell, say |
decisión | nf | decision |
decisivo | adj | decisive, conclusive |
declaración | nf | declaration, statement |
declarar | v | to declare, testify |
decoración | nf | decoration |
decorado | adj | decorated |
decorar | v | to decorate |
decreto | nm | decree, order |
dedicación | nf | dedication, devotion |
dedicar | v | to dedicate, devote |
dedo | nm | finger, toe, digit |
deducir | v | to deduce, infer |
defecto | nm | defect |
defender | v | to defend, protect |
defensa | nf | defense, plea |
defensivo | adj | defensive |
defensor | nm/f | defender |
deficiencia | nf | deficiency, lack |
déficit | nm | deficit, shortage |
definición | nf | definition |
definido | adj | definite |
definir | v | to define |
definitivamente | adv | definitely, finally |
definitivo | adj | definitive, conclusive |
dejar | v | to let, leave |
delante | adv | (in) front (of), ahead |
delegación | nf | delegation |
delegado | nm/f | delegate, representative |
delgado | adj | thin, skinny |
delicado | adj | delicate |
delicioso | adj | delicious, delightful, charming |
delincuente | nc | delinquent |
delirio | nm | delirium, nonsense |
delito | nm | crime, offense |
demanda | nf | petition, request, demand |
demandar | v | to claim, sue |
demás | adj | the rest, others |
demasiado | adv | too much |
democracia | nf | democracy |
democrático | adj | democratic |
demonio | nm | demon, devil |
demorar | v | to delay, take time |
demostración | nf | demonstration |
demostrar | v | to show, demonstrate |
denominación | nf | name, denomination |
denominar | v | to call, name |
densidad | nf | density, thickness |
denso | adj | heavy, dense, thick |
dentro | adv | inside |
denuncia | nf | accusation |
denunciar | v | to denounce |
departamento | nm | department, apartment |
dependencia | nf | dependence, dependency |
depender | v | to depend on |
deporte | nm | sport |
deportivo | adj | sports, sporty |
depositar | v | to deposit, place, store |
depósito | nm | deposit, sediment |
depresión | nf | depression, slump |
derecha | nf | right, right hand |
derecho | nm | right, justice, law |
derecho | adj | right, straight |
derivar | v | to derive, come (from) |
derramar | v | to shed, pour out |
derribar | v | to knock down, overthrow |
derrota | nf | defeat, loss |
derrotar | v | to defeat, beat |
derrumbar | v | to knock down, demolish |
desafiar | v | to defy, stand up to |
desafío | nm | challenge, provocation |
desagradable | adj | unpleasant |
desaparecer | v | to disappear, vanish |
desaparición | nf | disappearance |
desarrollar | v | to develop |
desarrollo | nm | development |
desastre | nm | disaster |
desatar | v | to untie, unleash, spark off |
desayunar | v | to have breakfast |
desayuno | nm | breakfast |
desbordar | v | to overflow, spill over |
descalzo | adj | barefoot |
descansar | v | to rest |
descanso | nm | rest, interval, break |
descarga | nf | unloading, discharge |
descargar | v | to unleash, unload |
descartar | v | to discard, reject, rule out |
descender | v | to descend |
descendiente | nc | descendant |
descenso | nm | decline, descent, lowering |
descifrar | v | to decipher |
desconfianza | nf | distrust |
desconocer | v | to not know, not recognize |
desconocido | adj | unknown |
describir | v | to describe |
descripción | nf | description |
descubrimiento | nm | discovery |
descubrir | v | to discover |
descuidar | v | to neglect |
descuido | nm | neglect, oversight |
desde | prep | from, since |
desear | v | to want, desire, wish for |
desembocar | v | to flow, lead into |
desempeñar | v | to carry out, fulfill |
desempeño | nm | performance, achievement |
desempleo | nm | unemployment |
desencadenar | v | to unleash, unchain |
desenvolver | v | to clear up, unwrap |
deseo | nm | desire, wish |
desesperación | nf | desperation, exasperation |
desesperado | adj | desperate, hopeless |
desesperar | v | to despair, lose hope |
desfile | nm | parade, line, formation |
desgracia | nf | misfortune, bad luck |
desgraciadamente | adv | unfortunately |
deshacer | v | to undo, destroy, take apart |
desierto | nm | desert |
desierto | adj | deserted, desolate |
designar | v | to designate |
desigualdad | nf | inequality, unevenness |
deslizar | v | to slide, glide, slip |
desnudo | adj | nude, naked |
desorden | nm | disorder, mess |
despacho | nm | office, study |
despacio | adj | slow, slowly |
despedida | nf | goodbye, farewell |
despedir | v | to say goodbye (to), dismiss |
despegar | v | to detach, take off (plane) |
despertar | v | to wake (up), arouse |
despierto | adj | awake |
desplazamiento | nm | movement, removal |
desplazar | v | to replace, move, shift |
desplegar | v | to unfold, deploy |
despojar | v | to deprive, rob |
despreciar | v | to despise, scorn |
desprecio | nm | contempt, disdain |
desprender | v | to detach, release, remove |
después | adv | after |
destacar | v | to emphasize, stand out |
destinar | v | to assign, appoint |
destino | nm | destination, destiny |
destrozar | v | to rip/break into pieces |
destrucción | nf | destruction |
destruir | v | to destroy, ruin |
desvanecer | v | to fade, dispel |
desviar | v | to deviate, divert, change |
detallado | adj | detailed, thorough |
detallar | v | to detail, itemize |
detalle | nm | detail |
detectar | v | to detect |
detención | nf | detention, arrest |
detener | v | to stop, detain |
detenido | nm/f | prisoner, detainee |
deteriorar | v | to deteriorate |
deterioro | nm | deterioration, damage |
determinación | nf | determination |
determinado | adj | determined, fixed |
determinar | v | to determine, decide |
detrás | adv | behind |
deuda | nf | debt |
devoción | nf | devotion |
devolver | v | to return, give back |
devorar | v | to devour, consume |
día | nm | day |
diabetes | nf | diabetes |
diablo | nm | devil |
diagnóstico | nm | diagnosis |
dialogar | v | to confer, talk |
diálogo | nm | dialogue, conversation |
diámetro | nm | diameter |
diariamente | adv | daily |
diario | nm | newspaper |
diario | adj | daily |
dibujar | v | to draw, sketch |
dibujo | nm | drawing, sketch |
diccionario | nm | dictionary |
dicho | adj | aforementioned, said |
diciembre | nm | December |
dictador | nm | dictator |
dictadura | nf | dictatorship |
dictar | v | to dictate, announce |
diecinueve | num | nineteen |
dieciocho | num | eighteen |
dieciséis | num | sixteen |
diecisiete | num | seventeen |
diente | nm | tooth, cog |
dieta | nf | diet |
diez | num | ten |
diferencia | nf | difference |
diferenciar | v | to differentiate, distinguish |
diferente | adj | different, separate |
diferir | v | to differ |
difícil | adj | difficult, hard |
difícilmente | adv | with difficulty |
dificultad | nf | difficulty, obstacle |
dificultar | v | to hinder, obstruct |
difundir | v | to spread (out) |
difunto | nm/f | deceased |
difusión | nf | spread, diffusion |
digital | adj | digital |
dignidad | nf | dignity |
digno | adj | worthy |
diluir | v | to dilute, weaken |
dimensión | nf | dimension, size |
diminuto | adj | diminutive, tiny, minute |
dinámica | nf | dynamics |
dinámico | adj | dynamic |
dinastía | nf | dynasty |
dinero | nm | money |
dios | nm/f | god, divinity |
diosa | nf | goddess |
diplomático | adj | diplomatic |
diputado | nm/f | deputy, member |
dirección | nf | direction, address |
directamente | adv | directly, straight away |
directivo | nm/f | executive, manager |
directivo | adj | managerial, administrative |
directo | adj | direct, straight |
director | nm/f | director, manager, principal |
dirigente | nc | leader, director, manager |
dirigir | v | to direct, manage |
disciplina | nf | discipline, subject |
discípulo | nm/f | disciple |
disco | nm | disc, disk, record |
discreto | adj | discreet, tactful |
discriminación | nf | discrimination |
disculpa | nf | apology, excuse |
disculpar | v | to excuse |
discurso | nm | lecture, discourse, talk |
discusión | nf | discussion, argument |
discutir | v | to argue, discuss |
diseñador | nm/f | designer, stylist |
diseñar | v | to design, develop |
diseño | nm | design |
disfrazar | v | to disguise, hide, conceal |
disfrutar | v | to enjoy |
disgusto | nm | disgust, annoyance |
disimular | v | to disguise, hide, pretend |
disminución | nf | reduction, decrease |
disminuir | v | to decrease, diminish |
disolver | v | to dissolve |
disparar | v | to shoot (at) |
disparo | nm | shot, discharge |
dispersar | v | to disperse, scatter, spread |
disponer | v | to have means, dispose |
disponibilidad | nf | availability |
disponible | adj | available |
disposición | nf | disposal, disposition |
dispositivo | nm | device, mechanism |
dispuesto | adj | willing, ready |
disputa | nf | dispute, argument, quarrel |
disputar | v | to dispute, contest |
distancia | nf | distance |
distante | adj | distant, far, remote |
distinción | nf | distinction |
distinguir | v | to distinguish |
distinto | adj | distinct, different |
distraer | v | to distract |
distribución | nf | distribution |
distribuir | v | to distribute, deliver |
distrito | nm | district, area |
diversidad | nf | diversity, variety |
diversión | nf | fun, entertainment |
diverso | adj | different, various, several |
divertido | adj | funny, amusing |
divertir | v | to amuse, entertain |
dividir | v | to divide |
divino | adj | divine |
divisa | nf | currency, emblem |
divisar | v | to distinguish, perceive |
división | nf | division |
divorcio | nm | divorce |
doblar | v | to bend, turn |
doble | adj | double |
doce | num | twelve |
docena | nf | dozen |
docente | nc | teacher |
doctor | nm/f | doctor |
doctrina | nf | doctrine, teachings |
documentación | nf | documentation |
documental | adj | documentary |
documento | nm | document |
dólar | nm | dollar |
doler | v | to hurt |
dolor | nm | pain, ache, sorrow |
doloroso | adj | painful |
doméstico | adj | domestic |
domicilio | nm | residence, address |
dominante | adj | dominant, prevailing |
dominar | v | to dominate, master |
domingo | nm | Sunday |
dominicano | adj | Dominican |
dominio | nm | power, control |
don | nm | courtesy title (m), Mr., gift |
doña | nf | courtesy title (f), Mrs. |
donación | nf | donation |
donar | v | to donate |
donde | adv | where |
dónde | adv | where? |
dorado | adj | golden, gold-plated |
dormir | v | to sleep |
dormitorio | nm | bedroom, dormitory |
dos | num | two |
doscientos | num | two hundred |
dosis | nf | dose |
dotar | v | to endow, bestow |
drama | nm | drama |
dramático | adj | dramatic |
droga | nf | drug |
duda | nf | doubt |
dudar | v | to (have) doubt |
dudoso | adj | doubtful, dubious |
duelo | nm | grief, affliction |
dueña | nf | landlady, owner (f) |
dueño | nm | owner, landlord (m) |
dulce | adj | sweet |
dulce | nm | candy, sweets |
duplicar | v | to double, duplicate |
duque | nm | duke |
duración | nf | duration, length |
durante | prep | during |
durar | v | to last |
dureza | nf | hardness, toughness |
duro | adj | hard |
echar | v | to throw, cast |
eco | nm | echo, response |
ecológico | adj | ecological, organic |
economía | nf | economy, economics, thriftiness |
económicamente | adv | economically |
económico | adj | economic |
economista | nm/f | economist |
ecosistema | nm | ecosystem |
ecuación | nf | equation |
edad | nf | age |
edición | nf | edition, publication |
edificio | nm | building |
editar | v | to edit, publish, release |
editor | nm/f | editor, publisher |
editorial nmf publisher (f), editorial article (m) | ||
editorial | adj | editorial |
educación | nf | education |
educar | v | to educate |
educativo | adj | educational |
efectivamente | adv | in fact, actually, indeed |
efectivo | adj | effective |
efecto | nm | effect |
efectuar | v | to carry out, cause to happen |
eficacia | nf | efficiency, effectiveness |
eficaz | adj | effective |
eficiencia | nf | efficiency |
eficiente | adj | efficient |
eh | interj | eh |
eje | nm | axis, shaft, crux |
ejecución | nf | performance, execution |
ejecutar | v | to execute, carry out |
ejecutivo | adj | executive |
ejecutivo | nm | executive, manager |
ejemplar | nm | copy, issue |
ejemplo | nm | example |
ejercer | v | to practice, exercise |
ejercicio | nm | exercise, practice |
ejército | nm | army |
el/la art the (+m, f) | ||
él | pron | he, [ellos] them (m) |
elaboración | nf | production |
elaborado | adj | thorough, elaborate |
elaborar | v | to make, develop |
elección | nf | election, choice |
electoral | adj | electoral |
electricidad | nf | electricity |
eléctrico | adj | electric |
electrón | nm | electron |
electrónico | adj | electronic |
elegancia | nf | elegance, style |
elegante | adj | elegant, smart, stylish |
elegir | v | to choose, elect |
elemental | adj | elemental, basic |
elemento | nm | element |
elevado | adj | elevated, high, lofty |
elevar | v | to elevate, raise |
eliminación | nf | elimination |
eliminar | v | to eliminate, exclude |
ella | pron | she, [ellas] them (f) |
ello | pron | it (subj-n) |
embajada | nf | embassy |
embajador | nm/f | ambassador |
embarazada | adj | pregnant |
embarazo | nm | pregnancy |
embarcación | nf | ship, embarkation |
embarcar | v | to embark, load |
embargo | adv | nevertheless |
emergencia | nf | emergency |
emerger | v | to emerge, surface |
emigrar | v | to emigrate |
emisión | nf | broadcast, emission |
emisor | nm | transmitter, emitter |
emitir | v | to emit, give (off) |
emoción | nf | emotion, excitement |
emocional | adj | emotional |
emocionar | v | to move, make/get excited |
empapar | v | to soak, drench |
empeñar | v | [se] to insist on |
empeño | nm | insistence, determination |
emperador | nm | emperor |
empezar | v | to begin, start |
empleado | nm | employee |
emplear | v | to employ |
empleo | nm | work, job, occupation |
emprender | v | to undertake, embark on |
empresa | nf | firm, company, venture |
empresarial | adj | managerial |
empresario | nm/f | manager, entrepreneur |
empujar | v | to push, shove |
en | prep | in, on |
enamorar | v | to fall in love |
encabezar | v | to head, lead (off) |
encajar | v | to insert, fit well |
encaje | nm | lace |
encaminar | v | to head for, guide |
encantado | adj | pleased, delighted |
encantar | v | to be very pleasing to |
encanto | nm | charm, spell |
encarar | v | to face, confront |
encargado | nm | manager, person in charge |
encargar | v | to entrust, [se] take charge of |
encargo | nm | job, order, errand |
encender | v | to turn on |
encendido | adj | turned on, burning |
encerrar | v | to shut (in) |
encierro | nm | confinement, imprisonment |
encima | adv | above, on top, in addition |
encoger | v | to shrink |
encontrar | v | to find |
encuentro | nm | meeting, game, skirmish |
encuesta | nf | poll, survey, inquiry |
endurecer | v | harden, make hard |
enemigo | nm/f | enemy |
energético | adj | energetic |
energía | nf | energy, power |
enero | nm | January |
énfasis | nm | emphasis |
enfatizar | v | to emphasize, stress |
enfermar | v | to become ill |
enfermedad | nf | illness, sickness |
enfermero | nm/f | nurse |
enfermo | adj | ill, sick |
enfocar | v | to focus |
enfoque | nm | focus, approach |
enfrentamiento | nm | confrontation |
enfrentar | v | to confront, face |
enfrente | adv | in front (of) |
enfriar | v | to cool |
engañar | v | to trick, deceive |
engaño | nm | deceit, falsehood, hoax |
enlace | nm | link, connection, bond |
enlazar | v | to link, connect |
enloquecer | v | to madden, derange |
enmarcar | v | to frame |
enojar | v | to anger, annoy |
enorme | adj | enormous, vast |
enormemente | adv | enormously |
enredar | v | to entangle, ensnare |
enriquecer | v | to enrich |
ensayar | v | to test |
ensayo | nm | essay, rehearsal |
enseguida | adv | immediately, at once |
enseñanza | nf | teaching, instruction |
enseñar | v | to teach, show |
ente | nm | entity, being, firm |
entender | v | to understand |
entendimiento | nm | understanding |
enterar | v | to find out [se] |
entero | adj | entire, whole, complete |
enterrar | v | to bury |
entidad | nf | entity |
entierro | nm | burial |
entonar | v | to intone, sing, modulate |
entonces | adv | so, then |
entorno | nm | environment, surroundings |
entrabar | v | to obstruct |
entrada | nf | entrance, admission ticket |
entrañas | nf | insides, bowels |
entrar | v | to enter |
entre | prep | between, among |
entrega | nf | delivery |
entregar | v | to deliver |
entrenador | nm/f | coach, trainer, manager |
entrenamiento | nm | training |
entrenar | v | to train |
entretener | v | to entertain, amuse |
entretenimiento | nm | entertainment |
entrever | v | to glimpse, guess |
entrevista | nf | interview, meeting |
entrevistar | v | to interview |
entusiasmar | v | to fill with enthusiasm, excite |
entusiasmo | nm | enthusiasm |
envejecer | v | to age, grow old |
enviar | v | to send |
envidia | nf | envy |
envidiar | v | to envy |
envío | nm | shipment, delivery |
envolver | v | to wrap |
episodio | nm | episode, incident |
época | nf | time, age, period |
equilibrar | v | to balance |
equilibrio | nm | balance |
equipo | nm | team, equipment, outfit |
equivalente | nm | equivalent |
equivaler | v | to be equivalent, tantamount (to) |
equivocar | v | to be wrong |
erguir | v | to straighten, raise |
error | nm | error, mistake |
escala | nf | scale, ladder, rank |
escalera | nf | stairs, ladder |
escalón | nm | stair, rung, |
escándalo | nm | scandal |
escapar | v | to escape |
escasez | nf | scarcity, shortage |
escaso | adj | scarce, very little |
escena | nf | scene, stage, setting |
escenario | nm | stage, setting, scene |
esclavitud | nf | slavery |
esclavo | nm/f | slave |
escoger | v | to choose |
escolar | adj | school, scholastic |
esconder | v | to hide, conceal |
escribir | v | to write |
escrito | adj | written |
escritor | nm/f | writer |
escritorio | nm | desk, bureau |
escritura | nf | writing, scripture |
escuchar | v | to listen to |
escudo | nm | shield, coat of arms |
escuela | nf | school |
escultura | nf | sculpture, carving |
escupir | v | to spit |
escurrir | v | to drip, drain, trickle |
ese | adj | that (m) [esa (f)] |
ése | pron | that one (m), [ésa (f)] |
esencia | nf | essence |
esencial | adj | essential |
esencialmente | adv | essentially |
esfera | nf | sphere, globe |
esforzar | v | to make an effort, exert oneself |
esfuerzo | nm | effort, endeavor |
eso | pron | that (n) |
espacial | adj | spatial, space |
espacio | nm | space, room |
espada | nf | sword |
espalda | nf | back (body) |
español | adj | Spanish |
espantar | v | to scare, frighten |
espanto | nm | fright, ghost |
espantoso | adj | frightening, dreadful |
especial | adj | special |
especialidad | nf | specialty, specialized field |
especialista | nc | specialist |
especializado | adj | specialized, skilled |
especializar | v | to specialize, major in |
especialmente | adv | especially |
especie | nf | kind, sort, species |
específicamente | adv | specifically |
especificar | v | to specify, itemize |
específico | adj | specific |
espectacular | adj | spectacular |
espectáculo | nm | spectacle, show |
espectador | nm | spectator, onlooker |
espectro | nm | ghost, specter |
especulación | nf | speculation, conjecture |
espejo | nm | mirror, reflection |
espera | nf | wait |
esperanza | nf | hope |
esperar | v | to wait, hope (for), expect |
espeso | adj | thick, dense, stiff |
espiar | v | to spy on |
espina | nf | thorn, spine |
espíritu | nm | spirit, ghost |
espiritual | adj | spiritual |
espléndido | adj | splendid, generous |
esplendor | nm | splendor |
espontáneo | adj | spontaneous |
esposa | nf | wife |
esposo | nm | husband, spouse |
espuma | nf | foam, lather |
esquema | nm | outline, diagram, plan |
esquina | nf | corner |
estabilidad | nf | stability |
estable | adj | stable, steady |
establecer | v | to establish |
establecimiento | nm | establishment |
estación | nf | station, season |
estadio | nm | stadium |
estadística | nf | statistic |
estadístico | adj | statistical |
estado | nm | state, condition, status |
estadounidense | adj | U.S., American |
estallar | v | to break out, explode, start |
estancia | nf | stay, stance, ranch |
estar | v | to be (location, change from norm) |
estatal | adj | state, government-owned |
estatua | nf | statue |
estatura | nf | stature, height |
estatuto | nm | statute |
este | adj | this (m) [esta (f)] |
éste | pron | this one (m), [ésta (f)] |
estética | nf | aesthetics |
estético | adj | esthetic |
estilo | nm | style |
estimación | nf | estimate |
estimar | v | to estimate, hold in esteem |
estimular | v | to stimulate, encourage |
estímulo | nm | stimulus, encouragement |
estirar | v | to stretch, strain |
esto | pron | this (n) |
estómago | nm | stomach |
estrategia | nf | strategy |
estratégico | adj | strategic |
estrechar | v | to tighten, make closer |
estrecho | adj | narrow |
estrella | nf | star |
estrellar | v | to crash |
estremecer | v | to shake, tremble |
estrenar | v | to use for the first time, debut |
estreno | nm | premiere, debut |
estrés | nm | stress |
estrictamente | adv | strictly |
estricto | adj | strict, rigorous |
estructura | nf | structure |
estructural | adj | structural |
estudiante | nc | student |
estudiantil | adj | student |
estudiar | v | to study |
estudio | nm | study, learning |
estupendo | adj | marvelous, stupendous |
estupidez | nf | stupidity, stupid thing |
estúpido | adj | stupid, idiotic |
etapa | nf | stage, period |
etcétera n etcetera | ||
eternidad | nf | eternity |
eterno | adj | eternal |
ética | nf | ethics |
ético | adj | ethical |
etiqueta | nf | label, etiquette |
étnico | adj | ethnic |
euro | nm | euro |
europeo | adj | European |
evaluación | nf | evaluation, assessment |
evaluar | v | to evaluate, assess |
evangelio | nm | gospel |
evento | nm | event |
evidencia | nf | evidence, certainty |
evidente | adj | evident, obvious |
evidentemente | adv | evidently, obviously |
evitar | v | to avoid, prevent |
evocar | v | to evoke, recall |
evolución | nf | evolution, development |
evolucionar | v | to evolve, develop |
exactamente | adv | exactly |
exacto | adj | exact, faithful, true |
exagerar | v | to exaggerate |
examen | nm | examination, exam |
examinar | v | to examine, inspect |
exceder | v | to excel, exceed |
excelencia | nf | excellence |
excelente | adj | excellent |
excepción | nf | exception |
excepcional | adj | exceptional, unusual |
excepto | prep | except (for) |
excesivo | adj | excessive |
exceso | nm | excess |
exclamar | v | to exclaim |
excluir | v | to exclude, reject |
exclusivamente | adv | exclusively |
exclusivo | adj | exclusive |
excursión | nf | excursion |
excusa | nf | excuse |
exhibición | nf | exhibition, showing |
exhibir | v | to exhibit, show off |
exigencia | nf | requirement, demand |
exigir | v | to demand |
exilio | nm | exile |
existencia | nf | existence, life |
existente | adj | existing |
existir | v | to exist |
éxito | nm | success |
exitoso | adj | successful |
exótico | adj | exotic |
expandir | v | to expand |
expansión | nf | expansion, spreading |
expectativa | nf | expectation, hope, prospect |
expedición | nf | expedition |
expediente | nm | dossier, proceedings |
experiencia | nf | experience |
experimental | adj | experimental |
experimentar | v | to experience, experiment |
experimento | nm | experiment |
experto | nm/f | expert |
explicación | nf | explanation |
explicar | v | to explain |
exploración | nf | exploration |
explorar | v | to explore |
explosión | nf | explosion |
explotación | nf | exploitation, cultivation |
explotar | v | to explode, exploit |
exponer | v | to expound, expose |
exportación | nf | export, exportation |
exportar | v | export |
exposición | nf | exhibition, display |
expresar | v | to express |
expresión | nf | expression |
expresivo | adj | expressive |
expulsar | v | to expel, throw out |
expulsión | nf | expulsion, ejection |
exquisito | adj | exquisite, superb |
extender | v | to extend, spread |
extensión | nf | extension, area, expanse |
extenso | adj | extensive, large |
exterior | adj | exterior, outside |
externo | adj | external, outward |
extinción | nf | extinction |
extinguir | v | to extinguish, put out |
extra | adj | extra |
extraer | v | to extract, take out |
extrañar | v | to miss, long for |
extranjero | nm/f | foreigner |
extraño | adj | strange, foreign |
extraordinario | adj | extraordinary, exceptional |
extremadamente | adv | extremely |
extremo | nm | edge, border, end |
extremo | adj | extreme |
fábrica | nf | factory, manufacture |
fabricación | nf | manufacture, production |
fabricante | nm | manufacturer |
fabricar | v | to manufacture |
fabuloso | adj | fabulous, fantastic |
facción | nf | (face) feature, faction |
fachada | nf | façade, front of building |
fácil | adj | easy |
facilidad | nf | ease, facility |
facilitar | v | to facilitate |
fácilmente | adv | easily |
factor | nm | factor, cause, influence |
factura | nf | invoice, bill |
facultad | nf | faculty, ability |
falda | nf | skirt |
falla | nf | flaw, failure |
fallar | v | to fail, miss |
fallecer | v | to pass away (to die) |
fallo | nm | mistake, blunder, fault |
falso | adj | FALSE |
falta | nf | lack, shortage |
faltar | v | to be lacking |
fama | nf | reputation, fame |
familia | nf | family |
familiar | adj | familiar, of the family |
familiar | nm | relative |
famoso | adj | famous, well-known |
fantasía | nf | fantasy, fancy |
fantasma | nm | ghost, phantom |
fantástico | adj | fantastic, unreal |
farmacia | nf | pharmacy, drugstore |
fármaco | nm | drug, medicine |
fascinante | adj | fascinating |
fascinar | v | to fascinate |
fase | nf | phase, stage |
fatal | adj | fateful, deadly, awful |
fatiga | nf | fatigue |
fauna | nf | fauna, wildlife |
favor | nm | favor, benefit |
favorable | adj | favorable, suitable |
favorecer | v | to favor, help |
favorito | adj | favorite |
fe | nf | faith |
febrero | nm | February |
fecha | nf | date, day |
federación | nf | federation |
federal | adj | federal |
felicidad | nf | happiness |
felicitar | v | to congratulate |
feliz | adj | happy, fortunate |
femenino | adj | feminine, female |
fenómeno | nm | phenomenon |
feo | adj | ugly, nasty, rude |
feria | nf | fair, festival |
feroz | adj | ferocious, fierce |
ferrocarril | nm | railway |
festejar | v | to celebrate |
festival | nm | festival |
fibra | nf | fiber, grain |
ficción | nf | fiction |
ficha | nf | index card, chip, token |
ficticio | adj | fictitious |
fidelidad | nf | faithfulness, accuracy |
fiebre | nf | fever, excitement |
fiel | adj | faithful, loyal |
fiesta | nf | party, feast |
figura | nf | figure |
figurar | v | to appear, represent, figure (in) |
fijar | v | to set, fix, [se] notice |
fijo | adj | fixed, steady |
fila | nf | line, row, file |
film | nm | film, movie |
filo | nm | (cutting) edge |
filosofía | nf | philosophy |
filosófico | adj | philosophical |
filósofo | nm | philosopher |
filtrar | v | to seep, filter |
filtro | nm | filter, screening |
fin | nm | end, a f. de: in order to |
final | nmf | al f.: finally, in the end |
finalidad | nf | purpose, aim |
finalizar | v | to end, finalize |
finalmente | adv | finally, at last |
financiación | nf | financing, funding |
financiar | v | to finance |
financiero | adj | financial |
finanzas | nf | treasury, finances |
finca | nf | property, estate |
fingir | v | to feign, pretend |
fino | adj | fine, delicate |
firma | nf | company, signature, signing |
firmar | v | to sign |
firme | adj | firm, steady |
firmeza | nf | firmness |
fiscal | adj | fiscal, treasury |
fiscal | nc | district attorney, prosecutor |
fiscalía | nf | office of the public prosecutor |
físicamente | adv | physically |
físico | adj | physical |
físico | nm/f | physicist |
flaco | adj | thin, frail |
flecha | nf | arrow, dart |
flexible | adj | flexible |
flor | nf | flower |
flora | nf | flora |
florecer | v | to flower, bloom, flourish |
flota | nf | fleet |
flotar | v | to float, flutter |
fluir | v | to flow |
flujo | nm | flow, tide, discharge |
foco | nm | focus |
fomentar | v | to foster, promote, encourage |
fondo | nm | bottom, end |
fondos | nm | funds |
forestal | adj | forest |
forma | nf | form, shape, way |
formación | nf | formation, education |
formal | adj | formal, polite |
formar | v | to form |
formato | nm | format, form |
formidable | adj | formidable, tremendous |
fórmula | nf | formula |
formular | v | to formulate |
foro | nm | forum |
fortalecer | v | to fortify |
fortaleza | nf | fortress, strength |
fortuna | nf | fortune, fate |
forzado | adj | forced, stiff |
forzar | v | to force |
foto | nf | photo, picture |
fotografía | nf | photograph |
fotográfico | adj | photographic |
fotógrafo | nm/f | photographer |
fracasar | v | to fail, be unsuccessful |
fracaso | nm | failure, collapse |
fracción | nf | fraction |
frágil | adj | fragile, weak |
fragmento | nm | fragment, passage |
francamente | adv | frankly, openly |
francés | adj | French |
franco | adj | open, frank, outspoken |
franja | nf | strip, stripe, fringe |
frasco | nm | bottle, jar, flask |
frase | nf | phrase |
fraude | nm | fraud |
frecuencia | nf | frequency |
frecuentar | v | to frequent, visit |
frecuente | adj | frequent |
frecuentemente | adv | frequently, often |
frenar | v | to brake, restrain |
frente | adv | front |
fresco | adj | cool, healthy, fresh |
frío | adj | cold |
frito | adj | fried |
frontera | nf | border, frontier |
fronterizo | adj | border |
frotar | v | to rub, scrub |
frustración | nf | frustration |
frustrado | adj | frustrated |
frustrar | v | to frustrate, prevent |
fruta | nf | fruit |
fruto | nm | fruit, result |
fuego | nm | fire, gunfire |
fuente | nf | source, fountain |
fuera | adv | out, outside, away |
fuerte | adj | strong |
fuertemente | adv | strongly |
fuerza | nf | strength, force, power |
fuga | nf | flight, escape |
fugaz | adj | fleeting, brief, |
fumar | v | to smoke |
función | nf | function, meeting |
funcional | adj | functional |
funcionamiento | nm | functioning, operation |
funcionar | v | to work, function |
funcionario | nm/f | civil servant |
fundación | nf | foundation |
fundador | nm/f | founder |
fundamental | adj | fundamental |
fundamentalmente | adv | fundamentally, basically |
fundamentar | v | to base, found |
fundamento | nm | foundation, ground |
fundar | v | to found, base |
fundir | v | to melt, cast, smelt |
furia | nf | fury, rage |
furioso | adj | furious |
fusil | nm | gun, rifle |
fusión | nf | fusion, union |
fútbol | nm | soccer |
futbolista | nm/f | soccer player |
futuro | nm | future |
gabinete | nm | cabinet, den, office |
gala | nf | gala (performance/dinner) |
galaxia | nf | galaxy |
galería | nf | gallery, balcony |
gallina | nf | hen, coward |
gallo | nm | rooster |
gama | nf | range, musical scale |
ganador | nm/f | winner |
ganancia | nf | gain, profit |
ganar | v | to win, earn |
ganas | nf | desire |
garantía | nf | guarantee, warranty |
garantizar | v | to guarantee |
garganta | nf | throat, gorge |
garra | nf | claw, fang |
gas | nm | gas |
gasolina | nf | gasoline |
gastar | v | to spend (money) |
gasto | nm | expense, expenditure |
gastos | nm | expense, outlay, |
gato | nm | cat |
gemir | v | to moan, groan |
gen | nm | gene |
generación | nf | generation |
general | adj | general |
general | nm | general |
generalizar | v | to generalize, popularize |
generalmente | adv | generally, usually |
generar | v | to generate |
género | nm | sort, gender, genre |
generoso | adj | generous |
genético | adj | genetic |
genial | adj | brilliant, inspired |
genio | nm | genius, disposition |
gente | nf | people |
geografía | nf | geography |
geográfico | adj | geographical |
gerente | nm/f | manager, director |
gestión | nf | management, step, negotiation |
gestionar | v | to manage, handle |
gesto | nm | gesture |
gigante | nc | giant |
gigantesco | adj | giant, gigantic |
gira | nf | tour |
girar | v | to rotate, revolve |
giro | nm | turn, draft, expression |
global | adj | global, overall |
globo | nm | balloon, globe |
gloria | nf | glory, fame |
glorioso | adj | glorious |
gobernación | nf | government, management |
gobernador | nm | governor |
gobernante | nc | ruler, leader |
gobernar | v | to govern |
gobierno | nm | government |
gol | nm | goal |
golfo | nm | gulf, bay |
golpe | nm | hit, strike, punch |
golpear | v | to hit, strike |
goma | nf | rubber |
gordo | adj | fat, thick |
gota | nf | drop |
gozar | v | to enjoy |
grabación | nf | recording |
grabar | v | to record, engrave |
gracia | nf | (pl) thank you, grace, favor |
gracias | interj | thanks, thank you |
gracioso | adj | funny, charming, amusing |
grado | nm | degree, grade |
graduar | v | to adust, graduate |
gráfico | adj | graphic, explicit |
grande | adj | large, great, big |
grandeza | nf | greatness, size |
grano | nm | grain, kernel |
grasa | nf | grease, fat |
grato | adj | agreeable, pleasant |
gratuito | adj | free, arbitrary, gratuitous |
grave | adj | serious, solemn |
gravedad | nf | seriousness, gravity |
griego | adj | Greek |
gris | adj | gray, gloomy |
gritar | v | to shout |
grito | nm | cry, shout, scream |
grueso | adj | thick |
grupo | nm | group |
guante | nm | glove |
guapo | adj | handsome, beautiful |
guardar | v | to keep, save |
guardia | nc | guard, watch, lookout |
guardián | nm/f | guardian |
guatemalteco | adj | Guatemalan |
gubernamental | adj | governmental, |
guerra | nf | war, warfare |
guerrero | nm/f | warrior, soldier |
guerrilla | nf | guerrilla |
guía | nc | guide, leader |
guiar | v | to guide, lead, steer |
guión | nm | script, hyphen |
guitarra | nf | guitar |
gusano | nm | worm, caterpillar |
gustar | v | to be pleasing to |
gusto | nm | pleasure, taste, preference |
haber | v | to have (+Ved) |
hábil | adj | skillful, clever |
habilidad | nf | ability, skill, talent |
habitación | nf | room, bedroom, habitat |
habitante | nm | inhabitant |
habitar | v | to inhabit |
hábito | nm | habit |
habitual | adj | usual, habitual, customary |
habitualmente | adv | habitually |
habla | nf | (el) speech, talking |
hablar | v | to speak, talk |
hacer | v | to do, make |
hacia | prep | toward, towards |
hacienda | nf | ranch |
hallar | v | to find (out) |
hallazgo | nm | finding, discovery |
hambre | nf | (el) hunger, starvation |
harina | nf | flour |
harto | adv | full, sick of |
hasta | prep | until, up to, even (ADV) |
hazaña | nf | deed, heroic feat |
hecho | nm | fact, happening |
hectárea | nf | hectare |
helado | adj | iced, freezing, icy |
helicóptero | nm | helicopter |
hembra | nf | female, woman |
heredar | v | to inherit |
heredero | nm | heir, heiress |
herencia | nf | inheritance, legacy |
herida | nf | wound |
herido | adj | wounded (person) |
herir | v | to wound, hurt |
hermana | nf | sister |
hermano | nm | brother, [pl] siblings |
hermoso | adj | beautiful, lovely |
héroe | nm | hero |
heroico | adj | heroic |
herramienta | nf | tool |
hervir | v | to boil |
hidrógeno | nm | hydrogen |
hielo | nm | ice |
hierba | nf | herb, grass, weed |
hierro | nm | iron |
hígado | nm | liver |
hija | nf | daughter |
hijo | nm | son, [pl] children |
hilera | nf | row, line |
hilo | nm | thread, yarn, wire |
himno | nm | hymn, anthem |
hinchado | adj | swollen, pompous |
hipótesis | nf | hypothesis |
hispano | adj | Hispanic |
hispanoamericano | adj | Hispano-American |
historia | nf | history, story |
historiador | nm/f | historian |
histórico | adj | historical |
hogar | nm | home, hearth |
hoja | nf | sheet, leaf |
hola | interj | hello, hi |
holandés | adj | Dutch |
hombre | nm | man, mankind, husband |
hombro | nm | shoulder |
homenaje | nm | homage, tribute |
hondo | adj | deep |
hondureño | adj | Honduran |
honesto | adj | honest |
hongo | nm | mushroom, fungus |
honor | nm | honor, honesty |
honrar | v | to honor |
hora | nf | hour, time (specific) |
horario | nm | schedule, timetable |
horizontal | adj | horizontal |
horizonte | nm | horizon |
hormiga | nf | ant |
hormona | nf | hormone |
horno | nm | oven, furnace |
horrible | adj | horrible |
horror | nm | horror, atrocity |
hospital | nm | hospital |
hotel | nm | hotel |
hoy | adv | today, nowadays |
hueco | nm | hole, cavity |
huelga | nf | strike, protest |
huella | nf | trace, track, footstep |
hueso | nm | bone |
huésped | nc | guest, lodger |
huevo | nm | egg |
huir | v | to flee, run away |
humanidad | nf | humanity, mankind |
humano | adj | human |
humedad | nf | humidity |
húmedo | adj | humid, damp |
humildad | nf | humility |
humilde | adj | humble, modest |
humillar | v | to humiliate |
humo | nm | smoke |
humor | nm | mood, humor |
hundir | v | to sink, submerge |
idea | nf | idea |
ideal | adj | ideal, (goal) |
idear | v | to devise, design |
idéntico | adj | identical |
identidad | nf | identity |
identificación | nf | identification |
identificar | v | to identify |
ideología | nf | ideology |
ideológico | adj | ideological |
idioma | nm | (specific) language |
idiota | nc | idiot, dunce |
ídolo | nm | idol |
iglesia | nf | church |
ignorancia | nf | ignorance |
ignorar | v | to be unaware |
igual | adj | equal, same (as) |
igualdad | nf | equality |
igualmente | adv | equally |
ilegal | adj | illegal |
ilícito | adj | illicit, illegal |
iluminación | nf | illumination, lighting |
iluminado | adj | illuminated |
iluminar | v | to illuminate, light up |
ilusión | nf | illusion, hope, dream |
ilustración | nf | illustration |
ilustrar | v | to illustrate |
ilustre | adj | renowned, illustrious |
imagen | nf | image, picture |
imaginación | nf | imagination, fantasy |
imaginar | v | to imagine |
imaginario | adj | imaginary |
imitar | v | to imitate, copy, mimic |
impaciencia | nf | impatience |
impaciente | adj | impatient |
impacto | nm | impact |
impartir | v | to impart, administer |
impecable | adj | impeccable, faultless |
impedir | v | to prevent, hinder |
imperial | adj | imperial, imperialist |
imperio | nm | empire, fortune |
implacable | adj | relentless, implacable |
implantar | v | introduce, implant |
implementar | v | to implement |
implicar | v | to implicate, imply |
imponer | v | to impose, enforce |
importación | nf | import, importation |
importancia | nf | importance |
importante | adj | important |
importar | v | to matter, import |
imposible | adj | impossible |
impotencia | nf | impotence |
impregnar | v | to impregnate, permeate |
imprescindible | adj | essential, indispensable |
impresión | nf | impression, printing |
impresionante | adj | impressive, astonishing |
impresionar | v | to impress |
imprimir | v | to print |
improvisar | v | to improvise |
impuestos | nm | taxes |
impulsar | v | to push, promote, drive |
impulso | nm | impulse, momentum |
impunidad | nf | impunity |
inauguración | nf | opening, inauguration |
inaugurar | v | to inaugurate, start |
incapacidad | nf | inability, incompetence |
incapaz | adj | incapable |
incendio | nm | fire, conflagration |
incertidumbre | nf | uncertainty |
incidencia | nf | ocurrence, impact |
incidente | nm | incident |
incidir | v | to influence, affect |
incierto | adj | uncertain |
inclinación | nf | slope, incline, tendency |
inclinar | v | to bow, tilt, incline |
incluir | v | to include |
inclusión | nf | inclusion |
inclusive | adv | including, even |
incluso | adv | including, even (ADV) |
incómodo | adj | uncomfortable |
inconsciente | adj | unconscious, thoughtless |
inconveniente | adj | inconvenience, drawback |
incorporación | nf | inclusion, incorporation |
incorporar | v | to incorporate, include |
increíble | adj | incredible, unbelievable |
incrementar | v | to increase |
incremento | nm | increase, raise |
independencia | nf | independence |
independiente | adj | independent, self-sufficient |
independientemente | adv | independently |
indicación | nf | indication |
indicador | nm | indicator, gauge |
indicar | v | to indicate |
índice | nm | index, forefinger |
indicio | nm | indication, sign |
indiferencia | nf | indifference |
indiferente | adj | indifferent |
indígena | adj | indigenous, native |
indignar | v | to anger |
indio | nm | Indian |
indirecto | adj | indirect |
indispensable | adj | indispensable, essential |
individual | adj | individual |
individuo | nm | individual, person |
índole | nf | nature, temperament |
inducir | v | to lead to |
indudablemente | adv | doubtless, undoubtedly |
industria | nf | industry, factory |
industrial | adj | industrial |
inesperado | adj | unexpected, unforeseen |
inevitable | adj | inevitable, unavoidable |
inexplicable | adj | unexplainable |
infancia | nf | infancy, childhood |
infantil | adj | of children, childlike, infantile |
infección | nf | infection |
infeliz | adj | unhappy, unfortunate |
inferior | adj | lower, inferior |
infierno | nm | hell, inferno |
infinito | adj | infinite |
inflación | nf | inflation |
influencia | nf | influence |
influir | v | to (have) influence |
información | nf | information |
informar | v | to inform |
informático | adj | computer |
informativo | adj | informative |
informe | nm | report |
infraestructura | nf | infrastructure |
ingeniería | nf | engineering |
ingeniero | nm/f | engineer |
ingenio | nm | ingenuity, talent, wit |
ingenuo | adj | naïve, ingenuous |
inglés | adj | English |
ingrediente | nm | ingredient |
ingresar | v | to join, deposit, admit |
ingreso | nm | entrance, admission, income |
ingresos | nm | income, revenue |
inicial | adj | initial |
inicialmente | adv | initially |
iniciar | v | to initiate, start |
iniciativa | nf | initiative |
inicio | nm | beginning, start |
injusticia | nf | injustice |
injusto | adj | unfair, unjust |
inmediatamente | adv | immediately |
inmediato | adj | immediate |
inmenso | adj | immense, vast, huge |
inmigrante | nc | immigrant |
inminente | adj | imminent |
inmóvil | adj | immovable, motionless |
innecesario | adj | unnecessary |
innovación | nf | innovation |
innumerable | adj | innumerable, countless |
inocencia | nf | innocence |
inocente | adj | innocent, naïve |
inolvidable | adj | unforgettable |
inquietar | v | to make uneasy, disturb |
inquieto | adj | restless, anxious |
inquietud | nf | restlessness, anxiety |
inscribir | v | to register, record |
inscripción | nf | inscription, registration |
insecto | nm | insect |
inseguridad | nf | insecurity |
insertar | v | to insert, put in |
insignificante | adj | insignificant |
insinuar | v | to insinuate, hint |
insistencia | nf | insistence, persistence |
insistir | v | to insist on |
insólito | adj | unusual, uncommon |
insoportable | adj | unbearable, intolerable |
inspector | nm/f | inspector |
inspiración | nf | inspiration, inhalation |
inspirar | v | to inspire, inhale |
instalación | nf | installation, facilities |
instalar | v | to install |
instancia | nf | instance |
instante | nm | instant, moment |
instinto | nm | instinct |
institución | nf | institution |
institucional | adj | institutional |
instituto | nm | institute |
instrucción | nf | instruction |
instrumento | nm | instrument |
insuficiente | adj | insufficient |
insultar | v | to insult, berate |
insulto | nm | insult |
intacto | adj | intact |
integración | nf | integration |
integral | adj | comprehensive, integral, built-in |
integrar | v | to integrate, fit in |
integridad | nf | integrity |
intelectual | adj | intellectual |
inteligencia | nf | intelligence |
inteligente | adj | intelligent |
intención | nf | intention |
intensidad | nf | intensity, force |
intenso | adj | intense, acute |
intentar | v | to try, attempt |
intento | nm | attempt, try |
interacción | nf | interaction |
intercambiar | v | to exchange |
intercambio | nm | exchange, interchange |
interés | nm | interest |
interesado | adj | (self-) interested |
interesante | adj | interesting |
interesar | v | to interest |
interior | nm | interior, inside |
intermedio | adj | interim, intermediate |
interminable | adj | endless, interminable |
internacional | adj | international |
internar | v | to confine |
Internet | nm | Internet |
interno | adj | internal |
interpretación | nf | interpretation, interpreting |
interpretar | v | to interpret |
intérprete | nc | performer, interpreter |
interrogar | v | to question, interrogate |
interrumpir | v | to interrupt |
interrupción | nf | interruption |
intervalo | nm | interval, gap |
intervención | nf | intervention |
intervenir | v | to intervene |
intimidad | nf | private life, intimacy |
íntimo | adj | close, intimate |
introducción | nf | introduction |
introducir | v | to introduce, bring in |
intuición | nf | intuition |
intuir | v | to sense |
inundación | nf | flood, deluge |
inundar | v | to flood, inundate |
inútil | adj | useless |
invadir | v | to invade, overcome |
invasión | nf | invasion |
invención | nf | invention, contrivance |
inventar | v | to invent, make up |
invento | nm | invention |
inversión | nf | investment, outlay |
invertir | v | to invest |
investigación | nf | investigation |
investigador | nm/f | researcher, investigator |
investigar | v | to investigate |
invierno | nm | winter |
invisible | adj | invisible |
invitación | nf | invitation |
invitado | nm | guest |
invitar | v | to invite |
invocar | v | to invoke |
involucrar | v | to involve |
ir | v | to go |
ira | nf | rage, wrath |
irlandés | adj | Irish |
ironía | nf | irony |
irónico | adj | ironic, mocking |
irregular | adj | irregular |
irregularidad | nf | irregularity |
irritar | v | to irritate |
isla | nf | island |
islámico | adj | Islamic |
italiano | adj | Italian |
izquierda | nf | left |
izquierdo | adj | left (opposite of right) |
jabón | nm | soap |
jaja | interj | ha ha |
jamás | adv | never |
japonés | adj | Japanese |
jardín | nm | garden |
jaula | nf | cage, crate, playpen |
jefe | nm/f | leader, boss, manager |
jerarquía | nf | hierarchy, rank |
jinete | nm | rider, horseman |
joder | v | to f**k, screw (around/up) |
jornada | nf | (working) day, shift |
joven | nc | teenager, young person |
joya | nf | jewel, treasure |
judicial | adj | judicial |
judío | nm/f | Jew |
juego | nm | game, play, sport |
jueves | nm | Thursday |
juez | nc | judge |
jugada | nf | move, play |
jugador | nm/f | player, gambler |
jugar | v | to play (sport/game) |
jugo | nm | juice |
juguete | nm | toy |
juicio | nm | judgment |
julio | nm | July |
junio | nm | June |
junta | nf | meeting, conference, seam |
juntar | v | to bring together |
junto | adj | together |
jurado | nm/f | jury, juror |
jurar | v | to swear, take an oath |
jurídico | adj | legal, juridical |
jurisdicción | nf | jurisdiction |
justamente | adv | just, exactly |
justicia | nf | justice, fairness |
justificación | nf | justification |
justificar | v | to justify, excuse |
justo | adv | just |
justo | adj | fair, just |
juvenil | adj | young, juvenile |
juventud | nf | youth |
juzgado | nm/f | court, tribunal, judge |
juzgar | v | to judge |
kilo | nm | kilogram |
kilómetro | nm | kilometer |
la | pron | [rd person] (dir obj-f) |
laberinto | nm | maze, labyrinth |
labio | nm | lip |
labor | nf | labor, work, task |
laboral | adj | labor, industry |
laboratorio | nm | laboratory |
lado | nm | side |
ladrillo | nm | brick |
ladrón | nm/f | thief |
lago | nm | lake |
lágrima | nf | tear, teardrop |
laguna | nf | lagoon |
lamentable | adj | regrettable |
lamentablemente | adv | regrettably |
lamentar | v | to regret |
lamento | nm | lament, moan |
lámina | nf | sheet (of metal) |
lámpara | nf | lamp |
lana | nf | wool |
lanzamiento | nm | launch, release |
lanzar | v | to throw, launch |
lápiz | nm | pencil |
largar | v | to let go, start out |
largo | adj | long |
largo | nm | a lo l.: throughout, length |
lástima | nf | shame, pity |
lastimar | v | to hurt, damage |
lata | nf | (tin) can |
lateral | adj | side, lateral |
latín | nm | Latin |
latino | adj | Latin |
latinoamericano | adj | Latin American |
latir | v | to beat (heart) |
lavar | v | to wash |
lazo | nm | bow, knot, tie, lasso |
le | pron | [rd person] (indir obj) |
lealtad | nf | loyalty, faithfulness |
lección | nf | lesson |
leche | nf | milk |
lecho | nm | (river) bed, couch |
lector | nm | reader, lecturer |
lectura | nf | reading |
leer | v | to read |
legal | adj | legal |
legalmente | adv | legally |
legislación | nf | legislation |
legislador | nm/f | legislator |
legislativo | adj | legislative |
legítimo | adj | legitimate |
lejano | adj | distant |
lejos | adv | far (away, off) |
leña | nf | firewood |
lengua | nf | language, tongue, strip (of land) |
lenguaje | nm | language, speech |
lentamente | adv | slowly |
lente nmf lens, [pl] glasses | ||
lentitud | nf | slowness |
lento | adj | slow |
león | nm | lion |
lesión | nf | injury, wound, harm |
letra | nf | letter, handwriting, lyrics |
levantar | v | to raise, lift |
leve | adj | slight, trifling, light |
ley | nf | law, bill, rule |
leyenda | nf | legend |
liberación | nf | liberation |
liberal | adj | liberal |
liberar | v | to free, liberate |
libertad | nf | freedom, liberty |
libra | nf | pound (money/weight) |
librar | v | to liberate, set free |
libre | adj | free, vacant |
libremente | adv | freely |
librería | nf | bookstore |
libro | nm | book |
licencia | nf | license, permission |
licenciado | nm/f | graduate, lawyer |
licenciar | v | to license, discharge |
liceo | nm | high school |
líder | nc | leader |
liderar | v | to lead, head |
liderazgo | nm | leadership |
lienzo | nm | canvas, painting |
liga | nf | league, elastic band |
ligar | v | to tie, link, bind |
ligeramente | adv | slightly, lightly |
ligero | adj | light (in weight), slight |
limitación | nf | limitation |
limitado | adj | limited |
limitar | v | to limit |
límite | nm | limit |
limón | nm | lemon, lime |
limpiar | v | to clean |
limpieza | nf | cleanliness, purity |
limpio | adj | clean |
lindo | adj | pretty, nice, lovely |
línea | nf | line, course |
lingüístico | adj | linguistic |
lío | nm | mess, problem, bad situation |
líquido | nm | liquid |
liso | adj | smooth, flat, straight |
lista | nf | list, roster, roll |
listo | adj | ready, clever, smart |
literalmente | adv | literally |
literario | adj | literary |
literatura | nf | literature |
litro | nm | liter |
liviano | adj | light, frivolous |
llama | nf | flame, llama |
llamada | nf | call, knock |
llamado | nm | call, calling |
llamar | v | to call, name |
llamativo | adj | striking |
llano | adj | flat, level, plain |
llanto | nm | crying, weeping |
llanura | nf | plain, prairie, plainness |
llave | nf | key, faucet, wrench |
llegada | nf | arrival |
llegar | v | to arrive |
llenar | v | to fill |
lleno | adj | full, filled |
llevar | v | to take, carry |
llorar | v | to cry |
llover | v | to rain |
lluvia | nf | rain |
lo | art | the (+neut) |
lo | pron | [rd person] (dir obj-m) |
lobo | nm | wolf |
local | adj | local |
localidad | nf | town, locality |
localizar | v | to locate, find, localize |
loco | adj | crazy, insane |
locura | nf | madness, insanity |
lógica | nf | logic |
lógicamente | adv | logically |
lógico | adj | logical |
lograr | v | to achieve, get, manage |
logro | nm | success, achievement |
lomo | nm | back, loin, spine |
longitud | nf | length, longitude |
lucha | nf | fight, struggle, wrestle |
luchar | v | to fight, wrestle |
lucir | v | to show (off), shine |
luego | adv | later, afterwards |
lugar | nm | place, position |
lujo | nm | luxury |
luminoso | adj | bright, luminous |
luna | nf | moon |
lunes | nm | Monday |
luz | nf | light |
macho | nm | male, manliness |
madera | nf | wood |
madre | nf | mother |
madrileño | adj | from Madrid |
madrugada | nf | dawn, daybreak |
madurar | v | to mature, ripen |
madurez | nf | maturity, ripeness |
maduro | adj | mature, ripe |
maestría | nf | skill, mastery |
maestro | nm/f | teacher (m), master |
magia | nf | magic |
mágico | adj | magic, magical |
magistrado | nm/f | judge, magistrate |
magnético | adj | magnetic |
magnífico | adj | magnificent, splendid |
magnitud | nf | magnitude, extent |
mago | nm/f | magician, wizard |
maíz | nm | corn, maize |
mal | adv | badly |
mal | nm | evil |
maldad | nf | evil, wickedness |
maldecir | v | to curse, insult |
malestar | nm | discomfort, unease, unrest |
maleta | nf | suitcase, case |
malo | adj | bad |
mamá | nf | mom |
mamífero | nm | mammal |
mañana | nf | morning, tomorrow |
mañana | adv | tomorrow |
mancha | nf | stain, spot |
manchado | adj | stained, dirty |
mandar | v | to send, order |
mandato | nm | mandate, order, command |
mando | nm | command, authority |
manejar | v | to drive, handle |
manejo | nm | handling, management |
manera | nf | way, manner |
manga | nf | sleeve |
mango | nm | handle, mango |
manifestación | nf | protest, manifestation |
manifestar | v | to express, show |
manifiesto | nm | poner de m.: to show |
maniobra | nf | maneuver, operation |
manipulación | nf | handling, manipulation |
manipular | v | to manipulate, handle |
mano | nf | hand |
manta | nf | blanket |
mantener | v | to keep, maintain |
mantenimiento | nm | maintenance, sustenance |
manto | nm | cloak |
manual | nm | manual, handbook |
manual | adj | manual |
manuscrito | nm | manuscript |
manzana | nf | apple, (city) block |
mapa | nm | map |
maquillaje | nm | makeup |
máquina | nf | machine |
maquinaria | nf | machinery |
mar | nmf | sea |
maravilla | nf | wonder, marvel |
maravilloso | adj | wonderful, marvelous |
marca | nf | mark, brand, trademark |
marcador | nm | sign, scoreboard |
marcar | v | to mark, note, dial |
marcha | nf | march, progress |
marchar | v | to go, leave, march |
marco | nm | frame, mark, setting |
marea | nf | wave, tide, ebb |
margen | nmf | edge, margin, border, brink |
marido | nm | husband |
marino | adj | marine, naval |
mariposa | nf | butterfly, wing nut |
marítimo | adj | maritime, marine |
mármol | nm | marble |
martes | nm | Tuesday |
marzo | nm | March |
mas | conj | but, however |
más | adj | more |
masa | nf | mass, dough, bulk, crowd |
máscara | nf | mask |
masculino | adj | masculine, manly, male |
masivo | adj | mass, massive |
matar | v | to kill |
matemática | nf | mathematics |
matemático | adj | mathematical |
materia | nf | matter, subject |
material | nm | material, element |
material | adj | material |
materno | adj | maternal |
matiz | nm | shade, tint, nuance |
matrimonio | nm | marriage, married couple |
máximo | adj | maximum |
mayo | nm | May |
mayor | adj | larger, older, main |
mayoría | nf | majority |
me | pron | me (obj) |
mecánica | nf | mechanics, mechanism |
mecánico | adj | mechanical |
mecanismo | nm | mechanism |
medalla | nf | medal, medallion |
media | nf | average, a m.: halfways |
mediado | adj | mid, middle |
mediano | adj | average, medium, ordinary |
medianoche | nf | midnight |
mediante | prep | by means of |
medicamento | nm | medicine, drug |
medicina | nf | medicine |
medición | nf | measurement |
médico | nm/f | doctor |
médico | adj | medical |
medida | nf | measure, a m. que: to the extent |
medieval | adj | medieval |
medio | adj | half, middle |
mediocre | adj | mediocre |
mediodía | nm | noon, midday |
medios | nm | means, resources |
medir | v | to measure |
meditación | nf | meditation |
meditar | v | to meditate, ponder |
mediterráneo | adj | Mediterranean |
mejilla | nf | cheek |
mejor | adj | best, better (ADV) |
mejora | nf | improvement |
mejorar | v | to improve, get better |
melancolía | nf | melancholy, depression |
melancólico | adj | melancholy |
melodía | nf | melody |
memoria | nf | memory |
mención | nf | mention |
mencionar | v | to mention, cite |
menor | adj | younger, youngest |
menos | adj | less, fewer |
mensaje | nm | message |
mensual | adj | monthly |
mental | adj | mental |
mentalidad | nf | mindset, mind |
mente | nf | mind |
mentir | v | to (tell a) lie |
mentira | nf | lie |
menú | nm | menu |
menudo | adv | a m.: often |
mercado | nm | market |
mercancía | nf | goods, merchandise |
merced | nf | favor, mercy |
merecer | v | to deserve, be worthy (of) |
meridional | adj | southern |
mérito | nm | worth, merit |
mero | adj | mere |
mes | nm | month |
mesa | nf | table, board |
meta | nf | goal, aim, purpose |
metáfora | nf | metaphor |
metal | nm | metal |
metálico | adj | metallic |
meter | v | to put (into) |
método | nm | method |
metodología | nf | methodology, method |
metro | nm | meter, subway |
mexicano | adj | Mexican |
mezcla | nf | mixture, blend |
mezclar | v | to mix |
mi | adj | my |
mí | pron | me (obj prep) |
miedo | nm | fear |
miel | nf | honey |
miembro | nm | member, limb |
mientras | conj | while, whereas, as long as |
miércoles | nm | Wednesday |
mierda | nf | shit, crap, excrement |
migración | nf | migration |
mil | num | thousand |
milagro | nm | miracle |
milenio | nm | millennium |
militante | nc | member, militant |
militar | adj | military |
millón | num | million, fortune |
millonario | nm/f | millionaire |
mina | nf | mine |
mineral | nm | mineral, ore |
minería | nf | mining |
minero | adj | mining |
mínimo | adj | minimum |
ministerio | nm/f | ministry |
ministro | nm/f | (government) secretary, minister |
minoría | nf | minority |
minúsculo | adj | minute, insignificant |
minuto | nm | minute |
mío | pron | mine |
mirada | nf | gaze, look |
mirar | v | to look, watch |
misa | nf | (religious) Mass |
miserable | adj | wretched, miserable |
miseria | nf | misery, wretchedness |
misericordia | nf | compassion, mercy |
misión | nf | mission, task |
mismo | adj | same |
misterio | nm | mystery |
misterioso | adj | mysterious |
mitad | nf | half, middle |
mito | nm | myth |
mixto | adj | mixed, co-ed |
moda | nf | fashion, form |
modalidad | nf | mode, manner |
modelo | nc | model, pattern |
moderado | adj | moderate, mild |
moderno | adj | modern |
modesto | adj | modest, humble |
modificación | nf | modification, alteration |
modificar | v | to modify |
modo | nm | way, manner, de m. que: so that |
mojado | adj | wet |
mojar | v | to make wet, dampen |
molde | nm | mold, cast, pattern |
molécula | nf | molecule |
molecular | adj | molecular |
molestar | v | to bother, disturb, upset |
molestia | nf | bother, nuisance, trouble |
molesto | adj | annoyed, bothered, upset |
momento | nm | moment, time |
monarca | nm | monarch |
monarquía | nf | monarchy, |
monasterio | nm | monastery, convent |
moneda | nf | coins, currency |
monetario | adj | monetary, |
monja | nf | nun |
mono | nm | monkey |
monopolio | nm | monopoly |
monstruo | nm | monster, monstrosity |
montaje | nm | assembly, staging |
montaña | nf | mountain |
montañoso | adj | mountainous |
montar | v | to ride, mount, assemble |
monte | nm | mountain |
montón | nm | lot of, heap, pile |
monumental | adj | monumental |
monumento | nm | monument |
moral | adj | moral |
morder | v | to bite |
moreno | adj | dark, brown |
morir | v | to die |
mortal | adj | mortal, lethal, deadly |
mosca | nf | fly (insect) |
mostrador | nm | counter, desk |
mostrar | v | to show |
motivación | nf | motivation |
motivar | v | to motivate, cause |
motivo | nm | motive, cause |
moto | nf | motorcycle |
motor | nm | engine, motor |
mover | v | to move, incite |
móvil | adj | mobile |
movilidad | nf | mobility, movement |
movilización | nf | mobilization |
movilizar | v | to mobilize |
movimiento | nm | movement |
mozo | nm | waiter, youth, bellboy |
muchacha | nf | girl |
muchacho | nm | boy |
mucho | adj | much, many, a lot (ADV) |
mudar | v | to move, change |
mudo | adj | mute, silent |
mueble | nm | (piece of) furniture |
mueca | nf | face, grimace |
muerte | nf | death |
muerto | adj | dead |
muestra | nf | proof, sample, sign |
mujer | nf | woman, wife |
multa | nf | fine, penalty, citation |
múltiple | adj | multiple, many |
multiplicar | v | to multiply |
multitud | nf | multitude |
mundial | adj | worldwide |
mundo | nm | world |
muñeca | nf | doll, wrist |
municipal | adj | municipal, town |
municipio | nm | municipality, town |
muralla | nf | city wall |
murmullo | nm | murmur, whispering |
murmurar | v | to murmur, whisper, mutter |
muro | nm | (outer) wall, rampart |
muscular | adj | muscular |
músculo | nm | muscle |
museo | nm | museum |
música | nf | music |
musical | adj | musical |
músico | nm/f | musician |
muslo | nm | thigh |
musulmán | adj | Moslem, Muslim |
mutuo | adj | mutual |
muy | adv | very, really |
nacer | v | to be born |
nacimiento | nm | birth, origin |
nación | nf | nation |
nacional | adj | national |
nacionalidad | nf | nationality |
nacionalista | adj | nationalist, nationalistic |
nada | pron | nothing, (not) at all |
nadar | v | to swim |
nadie | pron | nobody, anybody |
nalgas | nf | buttocks, backside, bottom |
naranja | nf | orange (fruit) |
narcotráfico | nm | drug trafficking |
nariz | nf | nose |
narración | nf | narration, account |
narrador | nm/f | narrator |
narrar | v | to narrate, tell |
narrativa | nf | narrative, story |
narrativo | adj | narrative |
natal | adj | native, birth |
nativo | adj | native |
natural | adj | natural |
naturaleza | nf | nature, character |
naturalmente | adv | naturally |
naval | adj | naval |
nave | nf | spacecraft, ship |
navegación | nf | navigation, shipping |
navegador | nm/f | browser, navigator |
navegar | v | to navigate, sail |
navidad | nf | Christmas |
necesariamente | adv | necessarily |
necesario | adj | necessary |
necesidad | nf | necessity, need |
necesitar | v | to need |
negar | v | to deny, refuse |
negativa | nf | negative, denial |
negativo | adj | negative, pessimistic |
negociación | nf | negotiation |
negociar | v | to negotiate, deal (with/in) |
negocio | nm | business, transaction |
negro | adj | black |
nene | nm/f | baby, small child |
nervio | nm | nerve |
nervioso | adj | nervous, uptight |
ni conj not even, neither, nor | ||
nicaragüense | adj | Nicaraguan |
nido | nm | nest |
niebla | nf | fog |
nieto | nm | grandchild |
nieve | nf | snow |
niña | nf | child, young girl |
niñez | nf | childhood, infancy |
ninguno | adj | no, none, nobody (PRON) |
niño | nm | child, little boy |
nivel | nm | level |
no | adv | no |
noble | adj | noble |
nobleza | nf | nobility, uprightness |
noche | nf | night, evening |
noción | nf | notion, idea |
nocturno | adj | nocturnal, evening |
nombramiento | nm | appointment, nomination |
nombrar | v | to name, appoint |
nombre | nm | name, noun |
norma | nf | standard, pattern, norm |
normal | adj | normal, usual, regular |
normalmente | adv | normally |
noroeste | nm | northwest |
norte | nm | north |
norteamericano | adj | North American |
nos | pron | us (obj) |
nosotros | pron | we (subj) |
nostalgia | nf | nostalgia, homesickness |
nota | nf | note, grade |
notable | adj | outstanding, noteworthy |
notar | v | to notice |
noticia | nf | news |
noticias | nf | news |
novedad | nf | latest news, newness |
novedoso | adj | novel, new |
novela | nf | novel |
novelista | nc | novelist |
noventa | num | ninety |
novia | nf | girlfriend, bride |
noviembre | nm | November |
novio | nm | boyfriend, groom |
nube | nf | cloud |
nuclear | adj | nuclear |
núcleo | nm | nucleus, core |
nudo | nm | knot |
nuestro | adj | our |
nuevamente | adv | anew, again |
nueve | num | nine |
nuevo | adj | new |
nulo | adj | void, null |
número | nm | number |
numeroso | adj | numerous |
nunca | adv | never, ever |
o | conj | or |
obedecer | v | to obey |
obispo | nm | bishop |
objetivo | nm | objective |
objeto | nm | object, thing |
obligación | nf | obligation |
obligado | adj | obliged, required |
obligar | v | to obligate, force |
obligatorio | adj | obligatory, compulsory |
obra | nf | work, book, deed |
obrero | nm/f | worker, laborer |
observación | nf | observation |
observador | nm | observer |
observar | v | to observe |
obsesión | nf | mania, obsession |
obstáculo | nm | obstacle |
obstante | adv | however, nevertheless |
obtener | v | to obtain |
obviamente | adv | obviously |
obvio | adj | obvious |
ocasión | nf | opportunity, occasion |
ocasionar | v | to occasion, bring about |
occidental | adj | occidental, Western |
occidente | nm | West |
océano | nm | ocean |
ochenta | num | eighty |
ocho | num | eight |
octubre | nm | October |
ocultar | v | to hide |
oculto | adj | hidden, occult |
ocupación | nf | occupation, use |
ocupar | v | to occupy, use |
ocurrir | v | to happen, occur |
odiar | v | to hate |
odio | nm | hatred |
oeste | nm | west |
ofender | v | to offend |
ofensiva | nf | offensive, attack |
ofensivo | adj | offensive, aggressive |
oferta | nf | offer, bid, supply |
oficial | adj | official, authorized |
oficialmente | adv | officially |
oficina | nf | office |
oficio | nm | job, occupation, function |
ofrecer | v | to offer, present |
oh | interj | oh |
oído | nm | hearing, ear |
oír | v | to hear |
ojalá | interj | hopefully |
ojo | nm | eye |
ola | nf | wave, billow |
oler | v | to smell |
olímpico | adj | Olympic, Olympian |
olla | nf | pot, kettle |
olor | nm | smell, odor, fragrance |
olvidar | v | to forget |
olvido | nm | forgetfulness, omission |
once | num | eleven |
onda | nf | wave, ripple |
opaco | adj | dull, opaque, heavy |
opción | nf | option, choice |
ópera | nf | opera |
operación | nf | operation |
operador | nm/f | operator |
operar | v | to operate |
operativo | adj | operative, operational |
opinar | v | to think, be of the opinion |
opinión | nf | opinion, view |
oponer | v | to oppose |
oportunidad | nf | opportunity, chance |
oportuno | adj | opportune, timely |
oposición | nf | opposition |
opositor | nm/f | opponent |
optar | v | to choose, opt for |
optimismo | nm | optimism |
optimista | adj | optimistic |
óptimo | adj | optimum |
opuesto | adj | opposite, contrary |
oración | nf | prayer |
oral | adj | oral |
orar | v | to pray, speak |
órbita | nf | orbit, socket, field |
orden | nmf | order, sequence (m), religious (f) |
ordenado | adj | organized, clean |
ordenador | nm | computer |
ordenar | v | to put in order, organize |
ordinario | adj | vulgar, ordinary |
oreja | nf | ear |
orgánico | adj | organic |
organismo | nm | organism, (human) body |
organización | nf | organization |
organizado | adj | organized |
organizar | v | to organize |
órgano | nm | organ |
orgullo | nm | pride |
orgulloso | adj | proud, arrogant |
orientación | nf | orientation, direction |
oriental | adj | Eastern, oriental |
orientar | v | guide, show the way |
oriente | nm | East |
origen | nm | origin, cause |
original | adj | original |
originar | v | to give rise (to), cause |
originario | adj | native to, originate from |
orilla | nf | shore, edge |
oro | nm | gold |
orquesta | nf | orchestra, dance band |
os | pron | you (obj-pl/+fam) |
oscilar | v | oscillate |
oscurecer | v | to get dark |
oscuridad | nf | darkness |
oscuro | adj | dark, obscure |
oso | nm | bear |
otoño | nm | autumn |
otorgar | v | to give, grant, award |
otro | adj | other, another |
oveja | nf | sheep, ewe |
oxígeno | nm | oxygen |
oyente | nc | listener, hearer |
paciencia | nf | patience |
paciente | nc | patient |
pacífico | adj | peaceful |
pacto | nm | pact, agreement |
padecer | v | to suffer |
padre | nm | father |
pagar | v | to pay |
página | nf | page |
pago | nm | payment |
país | nm | country |
paisaje | nm | landscape |
paja | nf | straw, thatching |
pájaro | nm | bird |
palabra | nf | word |
palacio | nm | palace |
pálido | adj | pale, ghastly, faded |
palma | nf | palm tree, palm |
palmera | nf | palm tree |
palo | nm | stick, pole |
paloma | nf | dove |
palpar | v | to feel, touch, fondle |
pan | nm | bread |
panel | nm | panel, screen |
pánico | nm | panic |
panorama | nm | panorama, landscape |
pantalla | nf | screen, monitor |
pantalón | nm | pants, trousers |
pañuelo | nm | handkerchief, shawl |
papa | nmf | Pope (m), potato (f) |
papá | nm | dad |
papel | nm | paper, role, part |
paquete | nm | package, packet |
par | nmf | pair, couple (m), a la p.: at same time |
para | prep | for, to, in order to |
paraguayo | adj | Paraguayan |
paraíso | nm | paradise |
paralelo | adj | parallel |
paralizar | v | to paralyze |
parámetro | nm | parameter |
parar | v | to stop (moving) |
parcial | adj | partial, biased |
pardo | adj | brown, dark, dim |
parecer | v | to seem, look like |
parecer | nm | opinion, looks |
pared | nf | (interior) wall |
pareja | nf | couple, pair |
pariente | nc | relative |
parir | v | to give birth |
parlamentario | adj | parliamentary |
parlamento | nm | parliament, dialogue |
paro | nm | labor strike, attack |
párpado | nm | eyelid |
parque | nm | park |
párrafo | nm | paragraph |
parroquia | nf | parish |
parte | nf | part, portion |
participación | nf | participation, involvement |
participante | nm | participant |
participar | v | to participate |
partícula | nf | particle |
particular | adj | particular, peculiar |
particularmente | adv | particularly, personally |
partida | nf | game, match, departure |
partidario | adj | in favor of, supportive |
partido | nm | party, group, (sports) match |
partir | v | to divide, leave, a p. de: starting |
parto | nm | birth |
pasado | adj | past, last |
pasaje | nm | fare, passage, lane |
pasajero | nm/f | passenger |
pasar | v | to pass, spend (time) |
pasear | v | to go for a walk, ride |
paseo | nm | walk, ride |
pasillo | nm | hall, corridor |
pasión | nf | passion, desire |
pasivo | adj | passive |
paso | nm | step, pace |
pasta | nf | pasta, dough |
pastilla | nf | pill, capsule |
pasto | nm | grass, pasture |
pastor | nm/f | shepherd, pastor |
pata | nf | leg, paw |
patada | nf | kick, punt |
patio | nm | courtyard, playground, yard |
pato | nm | duck |
patria | nf | native land, fatherland |
patrimonio | nm | patrimony, inheritance |
patrón | nm | employer, landlord, patron saint |
pausa | nf | pause |
pauta | nf | guideline, rule, standard |
paz | nf | peace |
pecado | nm | sin |
pecar | v | to sin |
pecho | nm | chest, breast |
peculiar | adj | peculiar |
pedagógico | adj | pedagogical, teaching |
pedazo | nm | piece, bit |
pedir | v | to ask for, request |
pegar | v | to hit, stick (on) |
pelea | nf | fight, quarrel |
pelear | v | to fight, struggle |
película | nf | movie, film |
peligro | nm | danger, menace |
peligroso | adj | dangerous |
pelo | nm | hair |
pelota | nf | ball |
pena | nf | trouble, valer la p.: be of worth |
penal | adj | penal |
pendiente | nm | slope, descent, earring |
pendiente | adj | aware of, pending |
penetrar | v | to penetrate, come in |
península | nf | peninsula |
pensamiento | nm | thought, thinking |
pensar | v | to think |
pensión | nf | boarding house |
penumbra | nf | semidarkness, twilight |
peón | nm | unskilled laborer, field hand |
peor | adj | worse, worst |
pequeñito | adj | very small, tiny |
pequeño | adj | little, small, young |
percatar | v | to inform, become aware |
percepción | nf | perception |
percibir | v | to perceive, notice |
perder | v | to lose, miss |
pérdida | nf | loss |
perdido | adj | lost |
perdón | nm | forgiveness, pardon |
perdonar | v | to forgive, excuse |
perfección | nf | perfection |
perfeccionar | v | to perfect |
perfectamente | adv | perfectly |
perfecto | adj | perfect |
perfil | nm | profile, outline |
perfume | nm | perfume |
periódico | nm | newspaper, periodical |
periodismo | nm | journalism |
periodista | nc | journalist |
periodístico | adj | journalistic |
período | nm | period, time |
perjudicar | v | to endanger |
perla | nf | pearl |
permanecer | v | to stay, remain |
permanente | adj | permanent |
permanentemente | adv | permanently |
permiso | nm | permission, permit |
permitir | v | to allow, permit |
pero | conj | but, yet, except |
perro | nm | dog |
persecución | nf | pursuit, persecution |
perseguir | v | to persecute, pursue, chase |
persistir | v | to persist |
persona | nf | person |
personaje | nm | character (e.g. movie) |
personal | adj | personal |
personalidad | nf | personality, celebrity |
personalmente | adv | personally |
perspectiva | nf | perspective |
pertenecer | v | to belong |
perteneciente | adj | pertaining, belonging |
pertenencia | nf | membership, property |
pertinente | adj | pertinent, relevant |
peruano | adj | Peruvian |
pesadilla | nf | nightmare |
pesado | adj | heavy, boring, tiresome |
pesar | prep | a p. de: in spite of |
pesar | v | to weigh |
pesca | nf | fishing |
pescado | nm | fish |
pescador | nm/f | fisherman |
pescar | v | to fish |
pese | conj | in spite of |
peseta | nf | peseta (money) |
pésimo | adj | dreadful, awful |
peso | nm | peso (money), weight, load |
pestaña | nf | eyelash |
petición | nf | request, petition |
petróleo | nm | oil, petroleum |
petrolero | adj | oil, petroleum |
pez | nm | (alive) fish |
piano | nm | piano |
picar | v | to bite, sting, itch |
pico | nm | y p.: and a bit, beak, peak |
pie | nm | foot, base |
piedad | nf | pity, mercy |
piedra | nf | stone, rock |
piel | nf | skin, hide, fur |
pierna | nf | leg |
pieza | nf | piece, part |
pila | nf | (baptismal) font, battery, heap |
pilar | nm | pillar, column |
pillar | v | to capture, catch |
piloto | nm/f | pilot, driver |
pino | nm | pine (tree) |
pintado | adj | painted |
pintar | v | to paint |
pintor | nm/f | painter |
pintura | nf | painting, paint |
pirámide | nf | pyramid |
pisar | v | to step on |
piscina | nf | swimming pool |
piso | nm | floor, story |
pista | nf | clue, track, trace |
pistola | nf | gun, pistol |
placa | nf | plaque, plate, badge |
placer | nm | pleasure |
plan | nm | plan |
plancha | nf | (electric) iron, plate, sheet |
planear | v | to plan |
planeta | nm | planet |
planificación | nf | planning, design |
planificar | v | to plan |
plano | nm | plane, map, level |
plano | adj | flat, plain, even, level |
planta | nf | plant, floor |
plantar | v | to plant |
planteamiento | nm | proposal, exposition |
plantear | v | to propose, present |
plantilla | nf | template, stencil |
plasmar | v | to express, capture |
plástico | nm | plastic |
plata | nf | silver, money |
plataforma | nf | platform, springboard |
platicar | v | to talk, chat |
plato | nm | plate, dish |
playa | nf | beach, seaside |
plaza | nf | square, marketplace |
plazo | nm | deadline, installment |
plenamente | adv | fully |
plenitud | nf | fullness, abundance |
pleno | adj | complete, full |
plomo | nm | lead, bullet |
pluma | nf | pen, feather |
población | nf | population |
poblador | nm/f | settler, resident |
poblar | v | to populate, inhabit |
pobre | adj | poor |
pobreza | nf | poverty, lack, scarcity |
poco | adj | little, few, a little bit (ADV) |
poder | v | to be able to, can |
poder | nm | power |
poderoso | adj | powerful |
poema | nm | poem |
poesía | nf | poetry, poem |
poeta | nc | poet |
poético | adj | poetic |
polaco | adj | Polish |
polémica | nf | polemics, argument |
polémico | adj | controversial, polemical |
policía | nc | police, police force, police officer |
policial | adj | police |
política | nf | politics, policy |
políticamente | adv | politically |
político | adj | political |
político | nm/f | politician |
pollo | nm | chicken |
polo | nm | pole, polo, polo shirt |
polvo | nm | dust, powder |
poner | v | to put (on), get (+ |
popular | adj | popular |
popularidad | nf | popularity |
por | prep | by, for, through |
porcentaje | nm | percentage |
porción | nf | part, portion, share |
porque | conj | because |
porqué | nm | reason, cause |
portada | nf | cover, title page |
portador | nm | bearer, carrier |
portal | nm | website, portal ,entrance |
portar | v | to behave [se], carry |
portavoz | nm | spokesperson, mouthpiece |
portero | nm/f | porter, doorkeeper, goalie |
portugués | adj | Portuguese |
porvenir | nm | future, time to come |
posar | v | to rest, pose, land |
poseer | v | to possess, own |
posesión | nf | possession |
posibilidad | nf | possibility |
posible | adj | possible |
posiblemente | adv | possibly |
posición | nf | position |
positivo | adj | positive |
posterior | adj | rear, backside |
posteriormente | adv | afterwards |
postre | nm | dessert |
postular | v | to postulate, nominate |
postura | nf | posture, position, attitude |
potencia | nf | power, potential |
potenciar | v | to strengthen, boost |
potente | adj | potent, powerful |
pozo | nm | well, shaft |
práctica | nf | practice, skill |
prácticamente | adv | practically |
practicar | v | to practice |
práctico | adj | practical, skillful |
prado | nm | meadow, field, lawn |
precaución | nf | caution, forethought |
precedente | nm | precedent |
preceder | v | to precede |
precio | nm | price, cost, value |
precioso | adj | beautiful, precious |
precipitación | nf | precipitation, rainfall |
precipitar | v | to plunge, hurl, rush |
precisamente | adv | precisely |
precisar | v | to do exactly, specify |
precisión | nf | precision |
preciso | adj | precise, necessary |
predecir | v | to predict |
predicar | v | to preach |
predominar | v | to predominate |
preferencia | nf | preference |
preferible | adj | preferable |
preferir | v | to prefer |
pregunta | nf | question |
preguntar | v | to ask (a question) |
prejuicio | nm | prejudice |
premio | nm | prize, reward |
prenda | nf | piece of clothing |
prender | v | to turn on, apprehend |
prensa | nf | press |
preocupación | nf | worry, concern |
preocupado | adj | worried, concerned |
preocupar | v | to worry |
preparación | nf | preparation, training |
preparado | adj | prepared |
preparar | v | to prepare |
presa | nf | dam, prisoner (f) |
presencia | nf | presence, appearance |
presenciar | v | to be present at, witness |
presentación | nf | presentation, introduction |
presentar | v | to introduce, present |
presente | nm | present |
presentir | v | to sense in advance |
preservar | v | to preserve |
presidencia | nf | presidency |
presidencial | adj | presidential |
presidente | nm/f | president |
presidir | v | to preside over |
presión | nf | pressure |
presionar | v | to press, pressure |
preso | nm | prisoner |
prestación | nf | benefit, lending of service |
préstamo | nm | loan, borrowing |
prestar | v | to lend |
prestigio | nm | prestige |
prestigioso | adj | prestigious |
presumir | v | to boast, show off, suppose |
presunto | adj | alleged, presumed |
presupuesto | nm | budget |
pretender | v | to attempt |
pretensión | nf | pretension, claim, aspiration |
pretexto | nm | pretext, excuse |
prevalecer | v | to prevail |
prevención | nf | prevention, warning |
prevenir | v | to avoid, prevent |
preventivo | adj | preventive, preemptive |
prever | v | to foresee, anticipate, forecast |
previamente | adv | previously |
previo | adj | previous |
previsión | nf | forecast, precaution |
prima | nf | female cousin, down payment |
primario | adj | primary |
primavera | nf | spring, springlike |
primero | adj | first |
primitivo | adj | primitive |
primo | nm | cousin |
primordial | adj | fundamental, primary |
princesa | nf | princess |
principal | adj | main, principal |
principalmente | adv | principally, mainly |
príncipe | nm | prince |
principio | nm | beginning, principle |
prioridad | nf | priority |
prisa | nf | hurry |
prisión | nf | prison, imprisonment |
prisionero | nm | prisoner |
privado | adj | private |
privar | v | to deprive (of) |
privilegiado | adj | privileged |
privilegio | nm | privilege |
probabilidad | nf | probability |
probable | adj | probable |
probablemente | adv | probably |
probar | v | to test, prove, try |
problema | nm | problem |
problemática | nf | problems, difficulties |
procedente | adj | coming (from) |
proceder | v | to proceed, start |
procedimiento | nm | procedure, proceedings |
procesar | v | to process, prosecute |
procesión | nf | procession |
proceso | nm | process, procedure |
proclamar | v | to proclaim |
procurar | v | to try, seek |
producción | nf | production |
producir | v | to produce, cause |
productividad | nf | productivity |
productivo | adj | productive, profitable |
producto | nm | product |
productor | nm | producer |
profesión | nf | profession, occupation |
profesional | adj | professional |
profesor | nm/f | professor, teacher |
profeta | nm | prophet |
profundamente | adv | profoundly, deeply |
profundidad | nf | depth, profundity |
profundizar | v | to deepen, analyze in depth |
profundo | adj | deep, profound |
programa | nm | program, plan |
programación | nf | programming, scheduling |
programar | v | to plan, program |
progresar | v | to progress |
progresivo | adj | progressive |
progreso | nm | progress |
prohibición | nf | prohibition |
prohibir | v | to prohibit, forbid |
prolongado | adj | prolonged, lengthy |
prolongar | v | to extend, prolong |
promedio | nm | average, middle, |
promesa | nf | promise |
prometer | v | to promise |
promoción | nf | promotion |
promover | v | to promote |
pronto | adv | soon, quick |
pronunciar | v | to pronounce |
propaganda | nf | advertising, propaganda |
propiamente | adv | exactly, properly |
propiciar | v | to favor, foster, aid |
propiedad | nf | property |
propietario | nm | owner |
propio | adj | own, proper, typical |
proponer | v | to propose |
proporción | nf | proportion |
proporcionar | v | to supply |
proposición | nf | proposition |
propósito | nm | intention, purpose |
propuesta | nf | proposal, proposition |
prosa | nf | prose |
proseguir | v | to continue, carry on |
protagonista | nc | protagonist, main character |
protagonizar | v | to have the leading role in |
protección | nf | protection |
protector | nm | protector, defender |
proteger | v | to protect |
proteína | nf | protein |
protesta | nf | objection, protest |
protestar | v | to protest, object |
protocolo | nm | protocol, convention |
provecho | nm | benefit, use |
proveedor | nm/f | supplier, dealer |
proveer | v | to provide |
proveniente | adj | coming from |
provenir | v | to come from, be from |
provincia | nf | province, region |
provincial | adj | provincial |
provocar | v | to cause, provoke |
proximidad | nf | proximity |
próximo | adj | next |
proyección | nf | projection, screening |
proyectar | v | to project |
proyecto | nm | project, plan |
prudente | adj | sensible, prudent |
prueba | nf | proof, trial, test |
psicología | nf | psychology |
psicológico | adj | psychological |
psicólogo | nm/f | psychologist |
publicación | nf | publication |
públicamente | adv | publicly, in public |
publicar | v | to publish |
publicidad | nf | advertising, publicity |
publicitario | adj | advertising |
público | adj | public |
público | nm | public, audience |
pudrir | v | to rot, decay |
pueblo | nm | people, village |
puente | nm | bridge |
puerta | nf | door |
puerto | nm | port, harbor |
pues | conj | |
puesto | nm | then, well then |
pulmón | nm | lung |
pulsar | v | to press, beat, strike, throb |
pulso | nm | pulse, pulsation |
puño | nm | fist, handle, cuff |
punta | nf | tip, point |
punto | nm | point, dot, period |
puntual | adj | punctual |
pupila | nf | pupil |
puramente | adv | purely, simply |
pureza | nf | purity, chastity |
puro | adj | pure, clean |
puta | nf | whore, prostitute |
que | conj | that, which |
qué | pron | what?, which?, how (+adj) |
quebrar | v | to break, bend, weaken |
quedar | v | to remain, stay |
quehacer | nm | task, job, chore |
queja | nf | complaint |
quejar | v | to complain |
quemar | v | to burn |
querer | v | to want, love |
queso | nm | cheese |
quien | pron | who, whom |
quién | pron | who?, whom? |
quieto | adj | still, motionless, calm |
química | nf | chemistry, chemist |
químico | adj | chemical |
quince | num | fifteen |
quinientos | num | five hundred |
quinto | adj | fifth |
quitar | v | to remove, take away |
quizás | adv | perhaps, maybe |
rabia | nf | rage |
racional | adj | rational |
radiación | nf | radiation |
radical | adj | radical |
radicar | v | to lie, be situated |
radio | nmf | radio, set (m), communication (f) |
ráfaga | nf | burst, gust |
raíz | nf | root |
rama | nf | branch, bough, limb |
ramo | nm | bunch (of flowers), branch |
rancho | nm | ranch, farm |
rango | nm | rank, range |
rápidamente | adv | rapidly, quickly |
rapidez | nf | speed, velocity |
rápido | adj | quick, fast |
raro | adj | strange, rare, scarce |
rascar | v | to scratch, scrape |
rasgo | nm | feature, trait |
rastro | nm | track, sign, flea market |
rata | nf | rat |
ratificar | v | to ratify |
rato | nm | moment, while, time |
ratón | nm | mouse, rat |
raya | nf | line, ray, stripe |
rayo | nm | ray, beam, lightning |
raza | nf | race, lineage |
razón | nf | reason, tener r.: to be right |
razonable | adj | reasonable |
razonamiento | nm | reasoning |
reacción | nf | reaction |
reaccionar | v | to react |
real | adj | royal, real, authentic |
realidad | nf | reality, actuality |
realismo | nm | realism |
realista | adj | realistic |
realización | nf | fulfillment, realization |
realizar | v | to fulfill, carry out |
realmente | adv | really, actually, in fact |
reanudar | v | to renew, resume |
rebelde | nc | rebel, insurgent |
rebelión | nf | rebellion |
recepción | nf | reception, waiting room |
receptor | nm/f | receiver, recipient |
receta | nf | recipe, prescription |
rechazar | v | to reject |
rechazo | nm | rejection, refusal |
recibir | v | to receive |
recién | adv | recently, just |
reciente | adj | recent |
recientemente | adv | recently |
recinto | nm | grounds, precincts |
recitar | v | to recite |
reclamar | v | to demand, require |
reclamo | nm | claim, complaint, protest |
recobrar | v | to recover, regain |
recoger | v | to pick up |
recomendable | adj | advisable |
recomendación | nf | recommendation |
recomendar | v | to recommend |
reconocer | v | to recognize, admit |
reconocimiento | nm | recognition, acknowledgment |
reconstrucción | nf | reconstruction |
reconstruir | v | to reconstruct |
récord | nm | record |
recordar | v | to remember, remind |
recorrer | v | to travel, cover (distance) |
recorrido | nm | journey, itinerary, route |
recortar | v | to trim, cut off, clip |
recorte | nm | clipping, cutting, trimming |
recostar | v | to lean |
recto | adj | right, straight, honest |
rector | nm/f | principal, rector |
recuerdo | nm | memory, keepsake |
recuperación | nf | recovery, recuperation |
recuperar | v | to recuperate, recover |
recurrir | v | to resort to |
recursos | nm | resources |
red | nf | network, net, system |
redacción | nf | editing, wording, essay |
redactar | v | to edit, write, compose |
redondo | adj | round |
reducción | nf | reduction |
reducido | adj | reduced, limited |
reducir | v | to reduce |
reemplazar | v | to replace |
referencia | nf | reference, allusion |
referente | adj | concerning |
referir | v | to refer (to) |
reflejar | v | to reflect |
reflejo | nm | reflection |
reflexión | nf | reflection |
reflexionar | v | to reflect, consider on |
reforma | nf | reform, improvement |
reformar | v | to reform, renovate |
reforzar | v | to reinforce, strengthen |
refugiar | v | to take shelter, give refuge |
refugio | nm | shelter, refuge |
regalar | v | to give (as a gift) |
regalo | nm | gift, present |
regar | v | to water, irrigate |
régimen | nm | regime, diet |
región | nf | region |
regional | adj | regional |
regir | v | to rule, govern, manage |
registrar | v | to register, record |
registro | nm | register, record |
regla | nf | rule, ruler, regulation |
reglamento | nm | regulations, rules |
regresar | v | to return (to a place) |
regreso | nm | return |
regulación | nf | adjustment, regulation |
regular | v | to regulate, adjust |
regular | adj | regular |
reina | nf | queen |
reinado | nm | reign, rule |
reinar | v | to reign, prevail |
reino | nm | kingdom, reign |
reír | v | to laugh (at) |
reiterar | v | to reiterate, repeat |
reja | nf | grill, railing |
relación | nf | relationship, relation |
relacionar | v | to relate |
relajar | v | to relax |
relámpago | nm | lightning |
relatar | v | to tell, narrate |
relativamente | adv | relatively |
relativo | adj | relative |
relato | nm | tale, story |
relevancia | nf | relevance |
relevante | adj | relevant, significant |
relieve | nm | relief, poner de r.: to emphasize |
religión | nf | religion |
religioso | adj | religious |
reloj | nm | clock, watch |
rematar | v | to finish off, finish up |
remediar | v | to heal, cure |
remedio | nm | alternative, cure, solution |
remitir | v | to remit |
remontar | v | to go back to (time) |
remoto | adj | remote, far-off |
remover | v | to remove |
renacimiento | nm | rebirth, Renaissance |
rencor | nm | grudge, spite |
rendimiento | nm | yield, output, efficiency |
rendir | v | [se] to give in, to render |
renovación | nf | renewal, renovation |
renovar | v | to renew, renovate |
renta | nf | income |
rentable | adj | profitable |
renuncia | nf | resignation, renunciation |
renunciar | v | to give up, renounce |
reparación | nf | repair, reparation |
reparar | v | to repair, restore |
repartir | v | to divide, deliver, distribute |
reparto | nm | distribution, delivery |
repasar | v | to review, revise |
repente | adv | de + r.: suddenly |
repentino | adj | sudden |
repertorio | nm | repertoire, list, index |
repetición | nf | repetition |
repetir | v | to repeat |
repleto | adj | full, overcrowded |
replicar | v | to reply |
reponer | v | to replace, restore |
reportaje | nm | news report |
reportar | v | to bring, report |
reposar | v | to rest, lie down |
reposo | nm | rest, peace |
representación | nf | representation |
representante | nc | representative |
representar | v | to represent |
representativo | adj | representative |
represión | nf | repression |
reprimir | v | to repress |
reproducción | nf | reproduction |
reproducir | v | to reproduce, repeat |
república | nf | republic |
republicano | adj | republican |
requerimiento | nm | requirement, request, summons |
requerir | v | to require |
requisito | nm | prerequisite, requirement |
resaltar | v | to emphasize |
resbalar | v | to slip |
rescatar | v | to rescue, save |
rescate | nm | rescue, ransom |
reseña | nf | review, outline |
reserva | nf | reservation, reserve |
reservado | adj | reserved, booked |
reservar | v | to reserve, book |
residencia | nf | residence |
residente | adj | resident |
residir | v | to reside, live (in) |
residuo | nm | residue, waste |
resignar | v | to resign, relinquish |
resistencia | nf | resistance, opposition |
resistente | adj | tough, resistant, durable |
resistir | v | to resist, endure |
resolución | nf | resolution |
resolver | v | to resolve, settle, work out |
resonar | v | to resound, ring, echo, |
respaldar | v | to back, support, endorse |
respaldo | nm | support, backing, back |
respectar | v | to concern |
respectivamente | adv | respectively |
respectivo | adj | respective |
respecto | prep | con r. a: regarding |
respetar | v | to respect |
respeto | nm | respect, regard |
respetuoso | adj | respectful |
respiración | nf | respiration, breath |
respirar | v | to breathe |
respiratorio | adj | respiratory, breathing |
resplandor | nm | brightness, radiance |
responder | v | to answer, respond |
responsabilidad | nf | responsibility |
responsable | adj | responsible |
respuesta | nf | answer, reply |
restablecer | v | to re-establish, restore |
restante | adj | remaining, leftover |
restar | v | to subtract, minimize |
restauración | nf | restoration, renovation |
restaurante | nm | restaurant |
restaurar | v | to restore, reinstate |
resto | nm | rest, remainder, leftover |
restricción | nf | restriction |
restringir | v | to limit, restrict |
resucitar | v | to resuscitate |
resuelto | adj | resolved, determined |
resultado | nm | result, outcome |
resultar | v | to result, turn out |
resumen | nm | summary |
resumir | v | to summarize |
resurrección | nf | resurrection |
retener | v | to keep, retain |
retirada | nf | retreat, withdrawal |
retirar | v | to take away, retire |
retiro | nm | withdrawal, retreat |
reto | nm | challenge, defiance |
retomar | v | to retake, restart |
retornar | v | to return, give back |
retorno | nm | return |
retraso | nm | delay |
retratar | v | to portray, draw |
retrato | nm | portrait, photograph |
retroceder | v | to go back |
reunión | nf | meeting, reunion |
reunir | v | to gather, meet, collect |
revelación | nf | revelation |
revelar | v | to reveal, disclose |
reventar | v | to burst, puncture |
revés | nm | al r.: backwards, upside down, inside out |
revisar | v | to check, revise, inspect |
revisión | nf | checking revision |
revista | nf | magazine, journal |
revivir | v | to revive |
revolución | nf | revolution |
revolucionario | adj | revolutionary |
revolver | v | to stir, mix, scramble |
revólver | nm | revolver, Egun |
rey | nm | king |
rezar | v | to pray, recite |
rico | adj | rich, tasty |
ridículo | adj | ridiculous, absurd |
rienda | nf | rein, restraint |
riesgo | nm | risk |
rígido | adj | rigid, stiff, firm |
rigor | nm | harshness, rigor |
riguroso | adj | rigorous, severe |
rincón | nm | corner, nook |
río | nm | river |
riqueza | nf | riches, wealth |
risa | nf | laugh, chuckle |
ritmo | nm | rhythm |
rito | nm | rite, ritual |
ritual | nm | ritual, rite |
rival | nc | rival |
robar | v | to rob, steal |
robo | nm | theft, robbery |
roca | nf | rock |
rocío | nm | dew |
rodar | v | to roll, run, scatter |
rodear | v | to surround |
rodilla | nf | knee |
rogar | v | to implore, pray, ask |
rojizo | adj | reddish, ruddy |
rojo | adj | red |
rol | nm | role |
rollo | nm | roll, coil |
romance | nm | romance |
romano | adj | Roman |
romántico | adj | romantic |
romper | v | to break |
ronda | nf | round |
rondar | v | patrol, serenade |
ropa | nf | clothes, clothing |
ropero | nm | wardrobe, closet |
rosa | nf | rose |
rosado | adj | pink, rosy |
rosario | nm | rosary, beads, string |
rostro | nm | face, countenance |
roto | adj | broken, torn |
rotundo | adj | categorical |
rozar | v | to touch (lightly) |
rubio | adj | blond, fair |
rueda | nf | wheel |
ruido | nm | noise |
ruina | nf | ruin, collapse |
rumbo | nm | direction, course, bearing |
rumor | nm | rumor, murmur |
ruptura | nf | breakup, rupture |
rural | adj | rural, country |
ruso | adj | Russian |
ruta | nf | route |
rutina | nf | routine |
sábado | nm | Saturday |
sábana | nf | (bed) sheet |
saber | v | to know (a fact), find out |
saber | nm | knowledge |
sabiduría | nf | wisdom, knowledge |
sabio | adj | wise, learned |
sabor | nm | taste, flavor, sensation |
sacar | v | to take out |
sacerdote | nm | priest |
saco | nm | sack, bag, plunder |
sacrificar | v | to sacrifice |
sacrificio | nm | sacrifice |
sacudir | v | to shake, jolt |
sagrado | adj | sacred |
sal | nf | salt |
sala | nf | room, hall |
salario | nm | salary, wages |
salida | nf | exit, escape, outcome |
salir | v | to leave, go out |
saliva | nf | saliva, spit |
salón | nm | hall, room |
salpicar | v | to splash, splatter |
salsa | nf | sauce, salsa |
saltar | v | to jump, leap, hop |
salto | nm | jump, hop, skip |
salud | nf | health |
saludable | adj | healthy, wholesome |
saludar | v | to greet, say hello |
saludo | nm | greeting |
salvación | nf | salvation, rescue |
salvaje | adj | wild, savage, uncultivated |
salvar | v | to save, rescue |
salvo | prep | except for, but |
sanción | nf | sanction, approval, penalty |
sancionar | v | to sanction, penalize |
sangre | nf | blood |
sanguíneo | adj | blood, bloody |
sanitario | adj | health, sanitary, clean |
sano | adj | healthy, wholesome |
santa | nf | saint (f) |
santo | nm | saint (m) |
sargento | nm | sergeant |
satélite | nm | satellite |
satisfacción | nf | satisfaction |
satisfacer | v | to satisfy |
satisfactorio | adj | satisfactory |
satisfecho | adj | satisfied |
se | pron | [“reflexive” marker] |
secar | v | to dry |
sección | nf | section, cut |
seco | adj | dry, arid |
secretaría | nf | secretary |
secretario | nm/f | secretary |
secreto | nm | secret |
sector | nm | sector, area, section |
secuencia | nf | sequence |
secuestro | nm | kidnapping, seizure |
secundario | adj | secondary |
sed | nf | thirst |
seda | nf | silk |
sede | nf | headquarters, seat |
segmento | nm | segment, sector |
seguida | adv | en s.: right away, at once |
seguidor | nm | follower, supporter, fan |
seguimiento | nm | follow-up |
seguir | v | to follow, keep on |
según | prep | according to |
segundo | adj | second |
segundo | nm | second |
seguramente | adv | surely, securely |
seguridad | nf | security, safety |
seguro | adj | safe, sure, secure |
seguro | nm | insurance |
seis | num | six |
selección | nf | selection, choice |
seleccionar | v | to select |
sellar | v | to seal, stamp |
sello | nm | stamp, seal |
selva | nf | forest, jungle |
semana | nf | week |
semanal | adj | weekly |
sembrar | v | to sow, plant |
semejante | adj | similar, such, alike |
semestre | nm | semester |
semilla | nf | seed |
seminario | nm | seminar, seminary |
seña | nf | sign, mark, seal |
senado | nm | senate |
senador | nm/f | senator |
señal | nf | sign, mark, token |
señalar | v | to point (out), signal |
sencillamente | adv | simply |
sencillo | adj | simple, plain, easy |
sendero | nm | (foot) path |
seno | nm | breast, bosom, cavity |
señor | nm | sir, Mr, lord |
señora | nf | Mrs., lady, madam |
señorita | nf | young woman |
sensación | nf | sensation, feeling |
sensibilidad | nf | sensitivity |
sensible | adj | sensitive, sentient |
sentar | v | to sit (down), seat |
sentencia | nf | (legal) sentence, judgment |
sentenciar | v | to sentence, condemn |
sentido | nm | sense, feeling |
sentimental | adj | sentimental |
sentimiento | nm | feeling, sentiment |
sentir | v | to feel, regret |
separación | nf | separation |
separar | v | to separate |
septiembre | nm | September |
ser | v | to be (norm) |
ser | nm | being |
sereno | adj | serene, calm |
seriamente | adv | seriously |
serie | nf | series |
seriedad | nf | seriousness |
serio | adj | serious |
serpiente | nf | snake |
servicio | nm | service, helpfulness |
servidor | nm/f | servant |
servir | v | to serve |
sesenta | num | sixty |
sesión | nf | session, meeting |
setenta | num | seventy |
severo | adj | severe |
sexo | nm | sex |
sexto | adj | sixth |
sexual | adj | sexual |
show | nm | show, display |
si | conj | if, whether |
sí | adv | yes |
siempre | adv | always, forever |
sierra | nf | mountain range, saw |
siesta | nf | siesta, afternoon nap |
siete | num | seven |
siglo | nm | century, age |
significado | nm | meaning |
significar | v | to mean |
significativo | adj | significant, meaningful |
signo | nm | sign, mark, symbol |
siguiente | adj | following, next |
silencio | nm | silence |
silencioso | adj | quiet, silent |
silla | nf | chair, seat |
sillón | nm | armchair, seat |
silueta | nf | silhouette, outline |
silvestre | adj | wild |
simbólico | adj | symbolic |
símbolo | nm | symbol |
similar | adj | similar |
simpatía | nf | sympathy, affinity |
simpático | adj | nice, likeable, friendly |
simple | adj | simple, mere, simple-minded |
simplemente | adv | simply, just |
simular | v | to pretend, simulate |
simultáneamente | adv | simultaneously |
sin | prep | without |
sinceramente | adv | sincerely |
sincero | adj | sincere |
sindical | adj | labor union |
sindicato | nm | trade union |
síndrome | nm | syndrome |
sinfonía | nf | symphony |
singular | adj | single, singular |
siniestro | adj | sinister |
sino | conj | but, except, rather |
síntesis | nf | synthesis |
síntoma | nm | symptom |
siquiera | adv | even (if) |
sirena | nf | siren, mermaid |
sistema | nm | system |
sistemático | adj | systematic |
sitio | nm | place, space |
situación | nf | situation |
situado | adj | situated, located |
situar | v | to situate, place, locate |
soberanía | nf | sovereignty |
sobrar | v | to be too much, left over |
sobre | prep | on top of, over, about |
sobrepasar | v | to excel, outperform |
sobresalir | v | to stand out, excel |
sobrevivir | v | to survive, outlive |
sobrino | nm | nephew |
social | adj | social |
socialismo | nm | socialism |
socialista | adj | socialist |
sociedad | nf | society |
socio | nm/f | member, partner |
sofá | nm | sofa, couch |
sofisticado | adj | sophisticated |
software | nm | software |
sol | nm | sun |
solamente | adv | only |
solar | adj | solar |
soldado | nm/f | soldier |
soledad | nf | loneliness, solitude |
solemne | adj | solemn |
soler | v | to be accustomed to |
solicitar | v | to solicit, request |
solicitud | nf | request, application |
solidaridad | nf | solidarity, togetherness |
solidario | adj | united, jointly shared |
sólido | adj | solid, strong |
solitario | adj | solitary, lonely |
solo | adj | lonely, alone |
sólo | adv | only, just |
soltar | v | to release, loosen, let out |
soltero | adj | single, bachelor |
solución | nf | solution, answer |
solucionar | v | to solve, settle |
sombra | nf | shade, shadow |
sombrero | nm | hat, sombrero |
sombrío | adj | shady, dark, dismal |
someter | v | to subject |
sonar | v | to sound, ring |
soñar | v | to dream |
sonido | nm | sound |
sonoro | adj | loud, resounding |
sonreír | v | to smile |
sonriente | adj | smiling |
sonrisa | nf | smile |
sopa | nf | soup |
soplar | v | to blow (wind) |
soportar | v | to endure, stand (something) |
soporte | nm | support, endorsement |
sordo | adj | deaf, dull |
sorprendente | adj | surprising, astonishing |
sorprender | v | to surprise |
sorpresa | nf | surprise |
sospecha | nf | suspicion |
sospechar | v | to suspect, suppose |
sostener | v | to support, hold up |
sostenible | adj | sustainable |
soviético | adj | Soviet |
su | adj | his/her/their/your (–fam) |
suave | adj | soft, gentle, mild |
suavemente | adv | softly |
subasta | nf | auction |
subir | v | to go up |
súbito | adj | sudden |
subjetivo | adj | subjective |
subrayar | v | to underline, highlight, emphasize |
subterráneo | adj | underground |
suceder | v | to happen |
sucesión | nf | succession, series |
sucesivamente | adv | successively, one by one |
sucesivo | adj | successive, following |
suceso | nm | event, incident |
sucesor | nm/f | successor |
sucio | adj | dirty, filthy, underhanded |
sudar | v | to sweat |
sudor | nm | sweat, perspiration |
sueco | adj | Swiss |
sueldo | nm | salary, pay |
suelo | nm | ground, floor |
suelto | adj | loose |
sueño | nm | dream, sleep |
suerte | nf | luck, fortune |
suficiente | adj | sufficient, enough |
suficientemente | adv | enough |
sufrimiento | nm | suffering |
sufrir | v | to suffer, undergo |
sugerencia | nf | suggestion |
sugerir | v | to suggest, hint at |
suicidio | nm | suicide |
suizo | adj | Swiss |
sujetar | v | to fasten, attach, hold |
sujeto | nm | subject, individual |
suma | nf | sum, amount, summary |
sumamente | adv | extremely, highly |
sumar | v | to add up, amount to |
sumergir | v | to submerge, plunge |
suministrar | v | to supply, provide |
suministro | nm | supply, provision |
sumir | v | to sink, plunge |
superar | v | to overcome, surpass |
superficial | adj | superficial |
superficie | nf | surface, area |
superior | adj | superior, upper |
supervivencia | nf | survival |
suplicar | v | to beg, |
suponer | v | to suppose, assume |
supremo | adj | supreme |
suprimir | v | to suppress, delete |
supuestamente | adv | supposedly, allegedly |
supuesto | adj | supposed, por s.: of course |
sur | nm | south |
sureste | nm | southeast |
surgir | v | to appear, spring (forth) |
suscitar | v | to arouse, provoke |
suscribir | v | to endorse, subscribe |
suspender | v | to suspend, hang, fail |
suspensión | nf | suspension |
suspirar | v | to sigh |
suspiro | nm | sigh |
sustancia | nf | substance, essence |
sustentar | v | to maintain, support |
sustitución | nf | replacement, substitution |
sustituir | v | to substitute, replace |
susto | nm | fright, scare |
susurrar | v | to whisper, murmur |
sutil | adj | subtle |
suyo | pron | his, hers, yours (−fam), theirs |
tabaco | nm | tobacco, cigarette, cigar |
tabla | nf | chart, board, table, plank |
tal | adj | such (a) |
talento | nm | talent, skill |
talla | nf | size (of clothing), stature |
taller | nm | workshop, shop |
tamaño | nm | size, dimension |
también | adv | also |
tambor | nm | drum |
tampoco | adv | neither, nor, either |
tan | adv | such, as, too, so |
tanque | nm | tank, large container |
tanto | adj | so much, so many |
tapa | nf | cover, lid |
tapar | v | to cover, wrap |
tardar | v | to delay, take long |
tarde | nf | afternoon, evening |
tarde | adv | late |
tardío | adj | late, belated |
tarea | nf | task, job |
tarifa | nf | rate, tariff |
tarjeta | nf | card |
tasa | nf | rate, fee, levy |
taxi | nm | taxi, cab |
taza | nf | cup, bowl |
te | pron | you (obj/+fam) |
té | nm | tea |
teatral | adj | theatrical |
teatro | nm | theater, drama |
techo | nm | roof |
teclado | nm | keyboard |
técnica | nf | technique, skill |
técnico | adj | technical |
técnico | nm/f | technician |
tecnología | nf | technology |
tecnológico | adj | technological |
tejer | v | to sew, weave |
tejido | nm | fabric, tissue |
tela | nf | cloth, fabric |
tele | nf | TV, television |
telefónico | adj | telephone |
teléfono | nm | phone, telephone |
televisión | nf | TV, television |
televisor | nm | television set |
tema | nm | theme, subject, topic |
temática | nf | theme |
temblar | v | to tremble, shake |
temblor | nm | tremor, shudder, shiver |
tembloroso | adj | trembling, shaky |
temer | v | to fear |
temeroso | adj | fearful |
temor | nm | fear |
temperatura | nf | temperature |
templo | nm | temple, church |
temporada | nf | season, period, time |
temporal | adj | temporary |
temprano | adj | early |
tendencia | nf | tendency, style |
tender | v | to tend to, lay out |
tendido | adj | spread, hung, laid (out) |
tener | v | to have |
teniente | nm | lieutenant, deputy mayor |
teñir | v | to dye |
tenis | nm | tennis |
tensión | nf | tension, stress, strain |
tenso | adj | tight, tense |
tentación | nf | temptation |
tentar | v | to tempt, entice |
teología | nf | theology |
teoría | nf | theory |
teórico | adj | theoretical |
terapia | nf | therapy |
tercero | adj | third |
tercio | nm | third |
térmico | adj | thermal, heated |
terminal | nm | terminal, final |
terminar | v | to finish, end |
término | nm | term (language), end |
ternura | nf | tenderness |
terraza | nf | terrace, balcony |
terremoto | nm | earthquake |
terreno | nm | ground, earth, terrain |
terrestre | adj | earthly, of the earth |
terrible | adj | terrible |
territorial | adj | territorial, regional |
territorio | nm | territory |
terror | nm | terror, horror |
terrorismo | nm | terrorism |
terrorista | nc | terrorist |
tesis | nf | thesis, exposition |
tesoro | nm | treasure, thesaurus |
testamento | nm | will, testament |
testigo | nm/f | witness |
testimonio | nm | testimony, evidence |
texto | nm | text |
textura | nf | texture |
ti | pron | you (obj prep-sg/+fam) |
tía | nf | aunt |
tibio | adj | lukewarm |
tiempo | nm | time (general) |
tienda | nf | shop, store, tent |
tierno | adj | tender, soft |
tierra | nf | earth, land, ground |
tigre | nm | tiger |
timbre | nm | doorbell, bell, seal, stamp |
tímido | adj | timid, shy, half-hearted |
tinta | nf | ink |
tío | nm | uncle, guy |
típico | adj | typical |
tipo | nm | type, kind |
tirar | v | to throw, pull |
tiro | nm | throw, shot |
titular | nm | headline, holder |
titular | v | to title, call |
título | nm | title, heading |
toalla | nf | towel |
tocar | v | to touch, play (instrument) |
todavía | adv | still, yet |
todo | adj | all, every |
tolerancia | nf | tolerance |
tolerar | v | to tolerate, put up with |
toma | nf | outlet, dose, making |
tomar | v | to take, drink |
tomate | nm | tomato |
tonelada | nf | ton |
tono | nm | tone |
tontería | nf | stupidity, stupid thing |
tonto | adj | stupid, dumb |
topar | v | to run into, bump into |
toque | nm | touch, ringing, warning |
torcer | v | to twist, bend, distort |
tormenta | nf | storm |
tornar | v | to transform, turn |
torneo | nm | tournament |
torno | prep | en t. a: around |
toro | nm | bull |
torpe | adj | clumsy, awkward, slow |
torre | nf | tower |
tortura | nf | torture |
torturar | v | to torture, torment |
tos | nf | cough |
total | adj | total, entire |
total | nm | (sum) total |
totalidad | nf | whole, totality |
totalmente | adv | totally, completely |
tóxico | adj | toxic |
trabajador | nm/f | worker, laborer |
trabajar | v | to work |
trabajo | nm | work, job, effort |
tradición | nf | tradition |
tradicional | adj | traditional |
tradicionalmente | adv | traditionally |
traducción | nf | translation |
traducir | v | to translate |
traer | v | to bring, carry |
tráfico | nm | traffic, trade |
tragar | v | to swallow |
tragedia | nf | tragedy |
trágico | adj | tragic |
trago | nm | swig, drink |
traición | nf | treason, betrayal |
traicionar | v | to betray |
traje | nm | suit, dress, costume |
trama | nf | plot, theme |
trámite | nm | procedure, step, requirement |
tramo | nm | section, stretch, plot |
trampa | nf | trick, trap, hacer t.: to cheat |
tranquilamente | adv | calmly, peacefully |
tranquilidad | nf | tranquility, peace |
tranquilizar | v | to calm down |
tranquilo | adj | calm, tranquil, relaxed |
transacción | nf | transaction, deal |
transcurrir | v | to occur, take place |
transcurso | nm | passing, course, lapse |
transferencia | nf | transfer, transference |
transferir | v | to transfer |
transformación | nf | transformation |
transformar | v | to transform, change |
transición | nf | transition |
transitar | v | to roam, go by |
tránsito | nm | traffic, transit |
transmisión | nf | broadcast, transmission |
transmitir | v | to transmit, broadcast |
transparencia | nf | transparency, slide |
transparente | adj | transparent, clear |
transportar | v | to transport, carry |
transporte | nm | transportation, transport |
tranvía | nm | trolley, tram, streetcar |
trapo | nm | rag, cloth |
tras | prep | after, behind |
trascendencia | nf | transcendent nature, significance |
trascender | v | to transcend |
trasero | adj | behind, back |
trasladar | v | to move, transfer |
traslado | nm | transfer |
traspasar | v | to go beyond, cross over |
trastorno | nm | confusion, trouble, upheaval |
tratamiento | nm | treatment, processing |
tratar | v | to try, treat, deal with |
trato | nm | treatment, manner, agreement |
través | prep | a t. de: through, across |
trayecto | nm | trajectory, course, path |
trayectoria | nf | trajectory, path |
trazar | v | to draw, trace |
trece | num | thirteen |
tregua | nf | truce, rest |
treinta | num | thirty |
tremendo | adj | tremendous, dreadful, huge |
tren | nm | train, convoy |
trepar | v | to climb |
tres | num | three |
trescientos | num | three hundred |
triángulo | nm | triangle |
tribu | nf | tribe |
tribunal | nm | court |
trigo | nm | wheat |
triste | adj | sad, unhappy |
tristeza | nf | sadness |
triunfar | v | to triumph |
triunfo | nm | triumph, victory |
tronco | nm | trunk, torso |
trono | nm | throne |
tropa | nf | troops, forces |
tropezar | v | to trip, stumble |
tropical | adj | tropical |
trozo | nm | piece, chunk |
truco | nm | trick, ruse |
tu | adj | your (+fam) |
tú | pron | you (subj-sg/+fam) |
tubo | nm | tube, pipe |
tumba | nf | tomb, grave |
tumbar | v | to knock over, cast down |
tumor | nm | tumor, growth |
túnel | nm | tunnel |
turco | adj | Turkish |
turismo | nm | tourism |
turista | nc | tourist |
turístico | adj | tourist |
turno | nm | turn, shift, en t. a: around |
tuyo | pron | yours (sg/+fam) |
ubicación | nf | position, location |
ubicar | v | to find, locate |
últimamente | adv | lately, recently |
último | adj | last, final |
umbral | nm | threshold, outset |
un | art | a, an |
uña | nf | nail, fingernail, toenail |
únicamente | adv | only |
único | adj | only, unique, sole |
unidad | nf | unit, unity |
unido | adj | united |
uniforme | nm | uniform |
unión | nf | union |
unir | v | to unite, join (together) |
universal | adj | universal |
universidad | nf | university, college |
universitario | adj | university |
universo | nm | universe |
uno | num | one |
urbano | adj | urban, city, urbane |
urgencia | nf | urgency |
urgente | adj | urgent |
uruguayo | adj | Uruguayan |
usado | adj | worn out, old, used |
usar | v | to use |
uso | nm | use |
usted | pron | you (subj/–fam) |
usuario | nm/f | user |
útil | adj | useful |
utilidad | nf | usefulness, utility |
utilización | nf | use, utilization |
utilizar | v | to use, utilize |
vaca | nf | cow |
vacaciones | nf | vacation |
vaciar | v | to empty, pour out |
vacilar | v | to vacillate, hesitate |
vacío | adj | empty, vacant |
vacío | nm | emptiness, void |
vacuna | nf | vaccine, vaccination |
vagar | v | to roam, wander |
vago | adj | vague |
valer | v | to be worth, cost |
válido | adj | valid |
valiente | adj | brave, courageous, bold |
valioso | adj | valuable, precious |
valle | nm | valley |
valor | nm | value, worth |
valoración | nf | assessment, valuation, evaluation |
valorar | v | to value |
vamos | interj | come on |
vanguardia | nf | vanguard, forefront |
vano | adj | vain, useless |
vapor | nm | vapor, steam |
variable | adj | variable, changeable |
variación | nf | variation |
variado | adj | varied, mixed |
variante | nf | variant, difference |
variar | v | to change, vary |
variedad | nf | variety |
varios | adj | several, various |
varón | nm | male, man |
vasco | adj | Basque |
vaso | nm | (drinking) glass, vase |
vasto | adj | vast, immense, huge |
vecino | nm/f | neighbor |
vegetación | nf | vegetation |
vegetal | adj | plant, vegetable |
vehículo | nm | vehicle, car |
veinte | num | twenty |
veinticinco | num | twenty-five |
veinticuatro | num | twenty-four |
vejez | nf | old age |
vela | nf | candle, sail, vigil |
velar | v | to watch over |
velo | nm | veil |
velocidad | nf | speed, velocity |
veloz | adj | fast, quick |
vena | nf | vein |
vencer | v | to overcome, conquer |
vendedor | nm/f | salesperson |
vender | v | to sell |
veneno | nm | poison, venom |
venezolano | adj | Venezuelan |
venganza | nf | revenge, vengeance |
vengar | v | to take revenge, avenge |
venir | v | to come |
venta | nf | sale |
ventaja | nf | advantage, benefit |
ventana | nf | window |
ventanilla | nf | (vehicle) window |
ver | v | to see |
verano | nm | summer |
verbal | adj | verbal, oral |
verbo | nm | verb |
verdad | nf | truth |
verdaderamente | adv | truly |
verdadero | adj | true, real |
verde | adj | green |
verdura | nf | vegetables, greenery |
vereda | nf | path, sidewalk |
vergüenza | nf | embarrassment |
verificar | v | to verify |
versión | nf | version, account |
verso | nm | verse, poem |
verter | v | to pour, spill, shed |
vertical | adj | vertical, upright |
vestido | nm | dress |
vestir | v | to wear, dress |
vez | nf | time (specific occurrence), en v. de: instead of |
vía | nf | road, way, por v.: by means |
viable | adj | viable, feasible |
viajar | v | to travel |
viaje | nm | travel, trip |
viajero | nm | traveler, passenger |
vibración | nf | vibration |
vibrar | v | to vibrate, tremble |
vicepresidente | nm/f | vice president |
vicio | nm | vice, bad habit, defect |
víctima | nf | victim, casualty |
victoria | nf | victory, triumph |
vida | nf | life |
vídeo | nm | video |
vidrio | nm | glass, pane |
viejo | adj | old, aged |
viento | nm | wind, scent |
vientre | nm | womb, belly |
viernes | nm | Friday |
vigencia | nf | validity |
vigente | adj | in force, valid |
vigilancia | nf | surveillance, vigilance |
vigilar | v | to watch over, guard |
vigor | nm | force, strength, vigor |
villa | nf | village, town |
vinculación | nf | link, connection |
vincular | v | to conenct, link, bind |
vínculo | nm | tie, bond, link |
vino | nm | wine |
violación | nf | violation, rape |
violar | v | to violate, trespass, rape |
violencia | nf | violence |
violento | adj | violent |
violín | nm | violin |
virgen | nf | virgin |
virtual | adj | virtual, potential |
virtud | nf | virtue, quality |
virus | nm | virus |
visible | adj | visible |
visión | nf | vision |
visita | nf | visit, visitor, guest |
visitante | nc | visitor |
visitar | v | to visit |
víspera | nf | eve |
vista | nf | view, sight |
visual | adj | visual |
vital | adj | vital, lively, essential |
vitamina | nf | vitamin |
viuda | nf | widow |
vivienda | nf | housing, dwelling |
vivir | v | to live |
vivo | adj | alive, bright |
vocación | nf | vocation, calling |
volante | nm | steering wheel |
volar | v | to fly |
volcán | nm | volcano |
volcar | v | to turn/knock over, empty |
voltear | v | to turn over, turn around |
volumen | nm | volume |
voluntad | nf | will, willpower, intention |
voluntario | adj | voluntary, volunteer |
volver | v | to return, to, v, again |
vos | pron | you (subj-sg/+fam) |
vosotros | pron | you (subj-pl/+fam) |
votación | nf | vote, voting |
votar | v | to vote |
voto | nm | vote |
voz | nf | voice |
vuelo | nm | flight |
vuelta | nf | return, turn |
vuestro | adj | your (pl/+fam) |
vulgar | adj | vulgar, common, banal |
vulnerable | adj | vulnerable |
web | nm | Internet, web |
whisky | nm | whisky |
y | conj | and |
ya | adv | already, still |
yacer | v | to lie, be located |
yacimiento | nm | deposit, field |
yo | pron | I (subj) |
zapatilla | nf | slipper, shoe |
zapato | nm | shoe |
zona | nf | area, zone |
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